handling textures from fbx EDIT +physics issues
25 January 2016 17:40
25 January 2016 17:42
25 January 2016 17:58
25 January 2016 18:30
sure !It's all ok with UVMap and model, to see all your textures you need to place all your textures into blend4web engine dir, for example /assets/deploy/your_project_name/house/roof.jpg, and so on. All will work fine in that way. You can use our project manager to prepear all folders and empty files for your project if needed.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
26 January 2016 01:05
27 January 2016 02:07
I am trying to make a simple FPS in this scene.
Here is a export of the project. I added a cube with collision under the ground object because a go through… But now it's worst it flicks. Maybe their is something obvious i forgot ? Maybe this FBX file is just a pain i i better start from scratch?
Here is a export of the project. I added a cube with collision under the ground object because a go through… But now it's worst it flicks. Maybe their is something obvious i forgot ? Maybe this FBX file is just a pain i i better start from scratch?
27 January 2016 03:25
@LukeVideo Sorry that I can't offer any advice for your issue, but I am curious and want to ask - what is the benefit of using FBX?
I don't know anything about the format other than what I've read on Wikipedia.
So it seems this is something proprietary by Autodesk? Do you mostly use an Autodesk application for creating your 3D content? If I only use Blender is there any reason I might want to use FBX?
I don't know anything about the format other than what I've read on Wikipedia.
So it seems this is something proprietary by Autodesk? Do you mostly use an Autodesk application for creating your 3D content? If I only use Blender is there any reason I might want to use FBX?
27 January 2016 10:17
Here is a export of the project. I added a cube with collision under the ground object because a go through… But now it's worst it flicks.I've studied in detail your scene but I haven't seen any object with collision setup on it. Can you describe what you want to achive? There can't be any problem with fbx format because any collision setup you must do in Blender, so you can export any mesh, animation and simple material setup using fbx, but then you need to do all scene and collision setup in Blender using specific blend4web parameters. Have you seen this example?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
27 January 2016 12:02
@LukeVideo Sorry that I can't offer any advice for your issue, but I am curious and want to ask - what is the benefit of using FBX?Well none… It's just a kind off portable export from 3DSMAX. It was mandatory in a class i took last year to model in 3DS and Export to Unity. So it really about what file you need in your workflow.
Now i have this FBX file and i was hoping i could use it in blender and Blend4Web.
I've studied in detail your scene but I haven't seen any object with collision setup on it. Can you describe what you want to achive? There can't be any problem with fbx format because any collision setup you must do in Blender, so you can export any mesh, animation and simple material setup using fbx, but then you need to do all scene and collision setup in Blender using specific blend4web parameters. Have you seen this example?
OK I followed the FPS tutorial. Got the camera to constraint on the player object. But i coudn't get the floor object to collide. (didn't even try with the other objects except the table, in fast preview you can push it around.). So i added the big rectangular thing under the house to try with another object in case FBX was not behaving correctly but it made the camera flick up and down really fast.
If there are no collision it may be because i tried all sorts of combination to get it working i migt have ended messing it up.

I will give it another try today but it might as well start from scratch if it doesn't want to work…

I am trying to do a simple scene where you could explore the house with FPS configuration. As simle as that… for the moment !

Oh and i noticed the screenshots where not exactly matching my blender2.76b version of the physics tab. Some naming convention changed.
27 January 2016 12:16
If there are no collision it may be because i tried all sorts of combination to get it working i migt have ended messing it up.Are you using json export or html to test your scene? There's only floor collision won't work or any other type of collision?
I will give it another try today but it might as well start from scratch if it doesn't want to work…
Oh and i noticed the screenshots where not exactly matching my blender2.76b version of the physics tab. Some naming convention changed.Yes, this tutorial is a bit old, many changes were made since it's was written. We are on the way to make corrections on our tutorials in near future.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.