Empty Function
11 October 2015 11:46
I am working on commenting the code for a basic app.
What does that last function, loaded_cb do? Is it to let the player know the app has loaded?
"use strict"; // forces this code to execute in strict mode, no undeclared variables
// The following variables are loaded with abilities from the main blen4web engine.
// For details, open your SDK from within Blender and plug in the URL provided below
var app = b4w.require("app"); // localhost:6687/deploy/api_doc/module-app.html
var data = b4w.require("data"); // localhost:6687/deploy/api_doc/module-data.html
app.init({ // this executes the function to start up the app and loads it into the div with the id of "background_app"
canvas_container_id: "background_app",
physics_enabled: false,
autoresize: true,
callback: load_cb
function load_cb() { // this creates the function that loads the data from your JSON file
data.load("hello_world.json", loaded_cb);
function loaded_cb() {
What does that last function, loaded_cb do? Is it to let the player know the app has loaded?
11 October 2015 15:58
Hi Will!
What does that last function, loaded_cb do? Is it to let the player know the app has loaded?Yes! To be more exact, this is a callback which is executed when the SCENE is loaded (hello_world.json). App developers are supposed to start manipulating 3D objects there.
11 October 2015 18:00
Okay, great. I will put that information in.