
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Семенцов Роман
08 февраля 2017 11:23
m_nla.is_play returns true or false, so what would the timeout will be?

It's a conditional operator. You can read about it here
08 февраля 2017 11:19

Isn't it supposed to stop it?

Here is the description of this method:
Switch auto-rotation of the TARGET or HOVER camera around its pivot, or auto-rotating of the EYE camera around itself. When it is called for the first time, auto-rotation is enabled while the next call will disable auto-rotation.

It works like a trigger. In this case the "rotate_camera" method can be named "change_cam_auto_rotate_mod"
04 февраля 2017 14:01

Programatically, what do I need to do this?

You should add the listeners of user's action (mouse click) on your button. And then start the camera animation.

I can help with code lines if you attach your project
04 февраля 2017 13:55

So is it possible that blend4web script help me design the box OR alter its dimensions
Yes, it's possible. You can use shape keys to change box dimensions. It's the better way, I guess
04 февраля 2017 13:46
That's ok. Firefox likes to tell us all about its work.
These messages mean, that everething is fine with physics
04 февраля 2017 13:38
Hello Roman,
Do you write your own application or use the export to HTML?

There are API methods to control video.

I noticed, that you use GTX 1070 (I use this device too ) but your system use DirectX9 instead of DirectX11. Could you check it pleaes? Just visit http://webglreport.com/ and take a look at the following line:

Videodriver and OS updates can help to solve the problem
30 января 2017 18:40
The OP is right. I was able to reproduce the bug, if two or more anchors are present at the scene with custom element configuration checked in, they will capture the picking event. I used the 16.12.1 blend4web version. Here is my project (I used the new type tree structure)

I've added a material to cubes and disabled the "Backface culling" on this material. Seems it works.

I guess, you clicked at the invisible parts of the cubes

Thanks for the example!
20 января 2017 18:16
Hello and welcome to the forum!
We are going to write article about it
18 января 2017 11:08

Do I create multiple canvas elements in my index file and then load multiple apps, specifying each canvas element in the respective app?

Yes, I think so

Here is an example. It was created using 16.12 SDK version, just import it to your Project Manager

Feel free to ask about it
11 января 2017 17:33
Here is modified webplayr. Just import it and rebuild. But be careful: there is unused code inside
project (8).zip

If you want to set the resolution factor, take a look at the 617 code line:
m_cfg.set("canvas_resolution_factor", 2.0);