
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Александр Ковеленов
05 января 2015 23:07
It's actually pretty easy. Just check here
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2015 12:46
На сайте OpenNET опубликована итоговая подборка наиболее важных и заметных событий в мире открытого ПО за 2014 год. Blend4Web также присутствует!
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2015 12:21
Со следующего релиза мы будем поддерживать использование текста без конвертации.
Команда Blend4Web
28 декабря 2014 23:28
In your example (given above) you should replace:

if (obj && obj.name == "Cube")


var m_scenes = require("scenes");
if (obj && m_scenes.get_object_name(obj) == "Cube"))

Not required but strongly advised to do so
Команда Blend4Web
27 декабря 2014 01:51
Hi again

All the objects you are trying to click need to be made selectable in Blender. Also i'd recommend to use get_object_name() function from scenes module to get the name of the object:

if (obj && m_scenes.get_object_name(obj) == "Cube"))

Mobile devices are supported, because click event is also delivered to the required element (canvas)
Команда Blend4Web
25 декабря 2014 22:06
Ok I understand

The feature is very interesting but there are some complications. First, a 3D object is not an HTML element, so we need some method to make it such. Second, there are browsers issues with security, because they try to prevent users from going to ad or malware sites. Sure we can and we will deal with these issues, but I don't know how much time it will take.

Thank your for your patience (and impatience, you know it's very motivating ).
Команда Blend4Web
24 декабря 2014 21:22
You are welcome
Команда Blend4Web
24 декабря 2014 09:28

It seams that you have troubles on scenes with sophisticated shaders. If you are using Windows, the driver for your hardware may be already deprecated by Intel and not supported anymore. You can try to load Ubuntu Linux from USB stick and check more recent drivers (usually hardware for Linux is supported much longer than for Windows or OS X). Anyway we have currently no device with GPU you are using, maybe somedays or so.

Thanks for using our engine, good luck

Команда Blend4Web
23 декабря 2014 08:45
We currently use such scheme for our releases:

developer preview (14.12 pre) -> release candidate (14.12 rc) -> release (14.12) -> optional bugfix release (14.12.1)
Команда Blend4Web
23 декабря 2014 08:40
No it's a release candidate of version 14.12. Testing is always welcomed, for new features check changelog.
Команда Blend4Web