
Сообщения, созданные пользователем aworkofmarc
01 марта 2016 19:20
Ah –thank you thank you. i will continue to play around with it. The potential of this software is great –i really wanted to learn it so I could eventually use it show show clients their prototype designs but I probably won't get very far until the 3rd party book comes out. Any release date for a tutorial book in mind?
01 марта 2016 06:40
don't know if this is the place to ask design questions but 1) why is my rendered view in B4W html way off from where my rendered window is showing in Blender? 2) Why does B4W render so drastically different than Blender render? Does B4W support Cycles?

And 3) why doesn't this forum allow me to post pictures rather than having to load them on my server every time?

29 февраля 2016 21:32
i did all those steps exactly, downloaded it all over again – and I still get the same error message and no Preview in Viewer option when exporting. Actually it's worse now because when I clcik to start Project Manager all the image thumbnails are gone on the initial page and when I clcik on a link, say for example the first one: dev: cartoon_interior.html I get a 500 Internal Server Error message in my browser window. I give up stabbing myself in the head. :) But hey, at least it's kind of working… but this insanity def kills any enthusiasm for learning it. They need to get this sorted out –I've been using computers for 25 years (so I'm not a complete idiot at least) and haven't spent this much time with crazy applications in a LOOOONG time. Thanks for your help.

29 февраля 2016 08:12
SUCCESS! It does not show in my panel at the top. And because I had other drop downs open it was buried at the bottom.

So the Dev Server is running as seen here:


HOWEVER – last issue? Error message when I click "Fast Preview (see below) AND I still don't get the Preview in Viewer option when I go to export.

Thanks for being so patient.

29 февраля 2016 06:43
Because I've done this a couple times and I'm still not getting a resolution –I'm going to start over from the beginning –again. But Yes. I initially installed the stand alone. And yes.. I have Ver 16.02

To make sure I am doing it it right though –to uninstall all I have to do is go to addons and select Blend4Web and click remove –right? Restart Blender. Double checked and it's not there. There's no where else I have to delete other files right?

Redoing the SDK steps and here's where things are at now – I should be good to go right? Except I still don't get the Open SDK button nor does the Preview in Viewer show up as an option when exporting.

My directory structure:

29 февраля 2016 05:36
Thank for your reply.

However per "basically, point it to the SDK's root directory."
1) Image 1 above shows the path to my root directory on C drive where the files are:
If I remove the "blender_scripts" from that path it makes no difference.

2) I don't get a "Blend4Web SDK." listed. I ONLY get Blend4Web.

Sorry.. don't mean to be dense.

28 февраля 2016 21:41

Trying to install SDK version and I get error message "Depreciated paths to Scripts….." even though it appears my paths are correct (image 1). I assumed the addon is included with the SDK files (but maybe not because…). Basically my steps were: I installed the folder blend4web_sdk_free to my C:\ drive. When trying to select the addon it does NOT show in my UserPrefs..Import/Export panel… So "Plan B": I tired to install it manually by downloading and installing the addon separately, but then I keep getting "Depreciated Path to Scripts" Error (image 1). HOWEVER. When I change the scripts path (see image 2) that error goes away – but something is still wrong because I am not getting the "Development Server / Open SDK" to show when I select Blend4Web engine as seen in the 3rd image (taken from the installing video screen shot).

28 февраля 2016 20:53
Doing the first monkey head tutorial and it shows an option of "Run in Viewer" that I don't have. Is that only available in the SDK installation?