
Сообщения, созданные пользователем catalin.stefan
12 января 2021 19:33 [ON MODERATION]
Hi Yuri, I have a question. I need to run my project without site server…I mean locally…which works perfectly if I export plain html instead of json..the only thing that doesnt work is the rollover feature over the buttons i have…which is very important on my project…there is any way to incorporate rollover feature into html exported file? Thank you!
11 января 2021 19:42 [ON MODERATION]
Hi Yuri, I have a question. I need to run my project without site server…I mean locally…which works perfectly if I export plain html instead of json..the only thing that doesnt work is the rollover feature over the buttons i have…which is very important on my project…there is any way to incirporate rollover feature into html exported file? Thsnk you!
11 января 2021 19:31 [ON MODERATION]
Hi Yuri, I have a question. I need to run my project without site server…I mean locally…which works perfectly if I export plain html instead of json..the only thing that doesnt work is the rollover feature over the buttons i have…which is very important on my project…there is any way to incirporate rollover feature into html exported file? Thsnk you!