
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Юрий Ковеленов
09 января 2017 16:03
Hi and welcome!

Yes you can put generic HTML markup inside annotations, without coding.
See here for syntax http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp
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09 января 2017 15:25
Ian, thanks for the helpful tutorial!
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09 января 2017 15:24
you might want to re-post your job proposition on some other websites too:
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09 января 2017 12:50
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09 января 2017 12:47
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30 декабря 2016 10:25
It only work for the preview, not the .html export !
You need to re-compile the web player. You can use the Project Manager for this: just find "webplayer" at the bottom of the app list and click "compile project".
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29 декабря 2016 18:45
Is there an english version of Everest Panorama?
Here it is: https://yandex.com/everest/
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29 декабря 2016 11:04
So if i have some combinations like white frame with a green decor finish i have to create a new model for every variant and export it again. For a simple product configurator i get thousands of combinations…
You can work around this problem if you create sorta uber-shader with the material editor which you can configure using value nodes via API.
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29 декабря 2016 10:53
Hi and welcome!

The node editor can only handle materials (i.e. fragment shader). What kind of application would you like to create? There is the possibility to update geometry in run time via API. You may probably use shape keys for that.
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29 декабря 2016 10:33
Hi and welcome!

In short, you'll need an invisible Ghost collision mesh placed near a door

Then you use a collision sensor in your app (see this tut)

The PRO version includes a working example (the Farm demo).
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