
由用户创建的信息 Alberto
27 April 2017 22:16
I didn't knew how to transform it it's working now thank you
19 April 2017 07:52
Yeah I already have that in both empty's but it's not drawing anything (even if I do that in one of them)
15 April 2017 03:26

I am trying to draw a simple line this is my code

//Get Empty's
    var punto1 = m_scs.get_object_by_name("linea_cuarto1");
    var punto2 = m_scs.get_object_by_name("linea_cuarto2");

//Get the second empty position in local space (I think)
    var lugar2 = new Float32Array(m_trans.get_translation(punto2));

//Draw line
    m_geom.draw_line(punto1, lugar2, false);
    m_mat.set_line_params(punto1, {
        color: new Float32Array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
        width: 5

But it's not drawing anything and it doesnt show me any errors so I don't know what am I doing wrong

if I place the code of the "Code Snippets" example it works but I don't need the curves I want to do a straight line for example from one Empty to another Empty.
14 April 2017 22:10
Thanks a lot its working now
13 April 2017 23:04
I find that my problem was the focal lenght of the camera and the resolution of the image that's why.

Anyone knows how to change the focal lenght of the camera?
12 April 2017 01:10
Hello again.

I was wondering if someone can help me to do a 360 panoramic thing (I'm not sure how to say it) like the panorama of the everest of Yandex.

I already have the map and I was trying to move the camera into a sphere and in the sphere place a environment map in the inside but it doesnt look the way I want to.

So I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction or give me an example of what I have to use or do to make the camera animation and see a 360 image.

I think I saw something in the API about the camera animation but the 360 image i'm not quite sure how to do it

I hope i'm not asking too much.
22 February 2017 23:36
shame on me…

Thanks a lot I'm going to check everything before posting something.
20 February 2017 22:13

Here's the project
17 February 2017 10:03
Hi I made this app


but I have a problem it doesnt work correctly I have to move all the sliders in order to do what I want but that's not the objective of the app, but if I put (for example) the x coordinates alone it works but when I put everything together doesnt work.

I've attached the blender file to se if someone can help me (you've helped me before with this)

P.S. - I'm loving blen4web quite difficult but awesome.
25 January 2017 01:21
Thanks a lot it's a very good example.