
由用户创建的信息 Bpergher
03 July 2017 17:36
I'm sending the blender file with as few elements as possible so I can check what's going on.

Thank you
03 July 2017 02:17

Sorry for my English (Google Translate)

I would like to make a print screen of an HTML file running in the web browser.
But the screen on my computer has full HD resolution and I need a higher resolution print to insert into a document that will be printed.

Is it possible to do this in any way?
Get a print of the HTML scene at a resolution higher than that of the computer screen.

Thank you so much
03 July 2017 02:12

I'm having trouble with a Hover-type camera in my scene.
Set the camera position and the right limits in Blender, but when I export the scene in HTML or in the Fast Preview itself, it initial in a very different position and rotation.

I've tried setting it up anyway, but nothing solved this problem.
With other styles of camera movement everything works perfectly.

Thank you so much
07 June 2017 16:17
Thanks a lot for the help Will Welker and Mikhail Luzyanin.
The UV map tips worked here.
I just created a blank UV map with UV Unwrap and it worked.

Will Welker: Strangely enough, his two files worked well

Mikhail Luzyanin: Thanks for the great support given to users. The tip was also very good
06 June 2017 23:41
Sorry for my English (Google Translate).

I'm having a problem when I try to use the Tangent Shading option in the material settings.
When this option is enabled the objects are completely black, both in Fast Preview and after exported.

What am I doing wrong?
Should I activate anything else together to work?

Thank you
23 March 2017 14:37
Thank you very much for the clarifications and tips.
It helped a lot
22 March 2017 22:28
I understand.
And really, with 16000 particles the Cyclic Emission works very well.
However with the Cyclic Emission activated, as soon as the scene is executed the emission is already started. Like I was in the middle of the cycle.
I would click on the button to trigger the particle emission from zero and then I wanted it to continue cyclically.
I do not know if I was clear because my English is not good.
Thank you
21 March 2017 19:21
Here is the file with an example of the particle system that I am intending to control and which is presenting a big delay between repetitions.
21 March 2017 15:44
Very strange.
I found that the animation even repeats itself, however with a very long time of delay between each repetition.
The strange thing is that the particle effect animation takes up all the time of the timeline, with no "empty" space. I do not know why this happens.

Still on the subject animations …
I've done a lot of research and I have not figured out how to disable that automatic fade added to the end of keyframe animations. It generates a daley at the end of the playback of all animations of this type. Thus, I can not produce continuous playback without cropping, even with the first and last frame identical.
I do not know if i was clear.
16 March 2017 15:50
Thank you very much Konstantin. Helped me a lot.
I did not know what to put on Anim. Name the name of the Particle System.

However, I had to use "Stop Animation" first of all to ensure that the broadcast did not automatically play when loading the scene. That's not a problem for me.

Still, even with the Behavior of the animations in "Loop" it only occurs once as if it were in "Finish Stop". Would you know how to fix this?