
由用户创建的信息 ErickCrimi
29 August 2020 15:05 [ON MODERATION]
93 Toyota Camry keeps overheating after going about 5-10 miles. The thermostat has already been replaced as has the water pump. The oil is still clear and not milky.
24 August 2020 22:56 [ON MODERATION]
Hello Thomas,

I dont remember if you already told me about this but are you planning to propose color variations of the thea materials based on clusters, patches and altitude?
I guess vertex color is too thea-core related but is there a way to change material properties like color hue and saturation of textures just from the skatter? Perhaps a discussion with Tomasz?

If possible Id love to be able to change the specularity too to quickly create wet variations of grasses and bushes for these pesky but good-looking wet grass & roads scenes