
由用户创建的信息 Olivier
27 February 2020 11:01 [ON MODERATION]

I just installed Blender4web (blend4web_ce_18_05_0) in Blender 2.79 as you advise to do : I picked up the folder "blend4web_ce" in the paths panel, re-launched Blender and enabled Blender4Web addon.
All seems to be ok, I've got a Blender4Web render engine, Blender4Web import tools, but no Fast preview button in the bottom of the 3D view window. I found this button in the Render tab of the properties panel, but when I click on this button, I've got the alert I put in attached file. It's presented like this, with the text cropped on the left.
You'll also find a capture of the Blender4Web addon panel with the settings.

For infos :
Mac OS 10.11.6,
blender version : 2.79,
blender4Web version : blend4web_ce_18_05_0

Best regards.
27 February 2020 10:29 [ON MODERATION]
Forget it.
I thought the addon wanted a 2.8x Blender version, but no : it waits for a 2.8x compatible version of itself…
I installed Blender4Web on a 2.79.
27 February 2020 09:26 [ON MODERATION]
I'm trying to install Blender4web addon on a 2.81.16 mac Blender version (OS 10.11.6), but in the enable addons panel, I've got a warning "upgrade to 2.8x required" in front of the Blender4Web addon.
I send you a screen capture of the alert that appear when I enable Blender4web.