
由用户创建的信息 crazyFolker
15 September 2015 22:48
Very cool - that would def help let people experiment a lot faster / try out more Blend4Web features.
15 September 2015 22:46
It's cool that you tried it and got it working, as some clients might want a non-streaming, native app version of their Blend4Web based project for tablets etc.
15 September 2015 22:39
Hi Yuri,

I should have been clearer in the title, I meant this with regards anchored annotations, and using those entries from within Blender to paste valid HTML code.

Eg in the Title, I might paste..

This is <b>VERY</b> cool

And in the description, this…

VERY <i>VERY</i> COOL!!! <img src="https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/DarkGlass_Reworked/128x128/actions/emoticon.png">
<blink>I hope blinking still works! :)</blink>

This would allow for more complex tool tips etc out of the box ( /Blender ).

It would also allow for more stuff like links within the tags, eg <a href="more_product_info.html">, and even allow new page links or pop-ups by <a href="more_product_info.html" target="_blank"> or target="popup"
15 September 2015 22:35
Excellent! I had posted here as well about allowing anchored annotations to not just contain text, but full HTML, from with Blender - that would be very cool!

15 September 2015 22:31
> If I understood you correctly you are speaking about 3d sliders which are a part of the scene

Yep, 3D sliders :)

This might be fun to try to get working ( using Adobe Shockwave plugin - you might have to try a few different browsers to get it going, on Mac or PC ). Firefox might work best.

This is an interactive 3D toy demonstration, created for a Web 3D competition over 10 years ago ( all of the content had to be under 500k, sounds graphics and everything )


If you navigate around the box, you'll see buttons, and on one side, there is an area where you can draw with a pencil / drag a slider to clear the area.

A few things to notice, with regards mouse down / up events…

- If you tap/hold down your mouse button over a button, then release ( immediately, or after moving a few pixels ), it becomes a click / interact with object.

- If you tap/hold down your mouse button over a button, then move more than a few pixels, the drag / move overrides the click / interact with object

- If you tap/hold down your mouse button over either the drawing screen, or the slider, the code knows that it's a non-draggable / interactive area, and the alternate control takes over ( draw, or drag the model rather than rotate the screen ).

Having this level of control would enable some very cool interactions to be done!

Here's another example using the same interaction code base, in this case it's a virtual 3D visit around a planetarium building, and again is around 10 years old.

http://armaghplanet.com/3d/ ( again, Adobe Shockwave )

The best of luck getting the links to work, but they'll give an idea of the level of interaction you can get with a simple, configurable user-input system.

15 September 2015 01:57
It would be cool to allow HTML in the Title and Description entries for Meta Tags.

This could include basic formatting <B> etc, and also images / video.

Going totally crazy here, it could allow a Blend4Web WebGL tag inside a Blend4Web WebGL scene :)

Somewhere in-between those two sentences above would be great :)
15 September 2015 00:32
I've been getting a few hours to test out Blend4Web recently, and have been posting feature requests and bugs.

But I also wanted to say just how cool Blend4Web is!!!

Keep up the great work!
15 September 2015 00:28
Have you tried creating a native App Store style app for a Blend4Web example?

There seem to be some technologies out there that wrap HTML as apps, and claim to be WebGL compatible, eg https://www.ludei.com/cocoonjs/

"•CocoonJS is the only platform to date that allows WebGL native app deployment in both iOS from version 5.0 and above and Android from version 2.3 and above."
15 September 2015 00:17
I would like to have an option to outline an object when you roll over it, if it's selectable.

When you roll-out of it, it would then de-outline. ( of course, this would be mouse only, touch wouldn't make sense )

Another option might be to trigger the outline every X seconds, starting at X seconds ( eg start at 10 seconds, and trigger again every 60 seconds ), to help users identify what can be interacted with in the scene. The start time would allow for the designer to set up a sequence of highlights / outlines appearing in order, rather than them just appearing at the same time.

This might be a bit too specific, but I figured - if you don't ask etc :)

15 September 2015 00:13
If you set the "Enable Outlining" on a non-animated object, without selecting "Selectable", you can't rotate the camera