
由用户创建的信息 klevis
09 June 2016 12:16
Hi folks,

How it is possible to set the camera projection matrix to an oblique / custom frustum?
In the mat4-module is the helper function for constructing a frustum matrix, but I can not find a way to apply it to the camera projection matrix.

I would like to have control over the image render borders - a function like
m_camera.set_frustum_planes(camobj, planes)
would be much appreciated.
In the camera module exists already a method for obtaining the camera frustum planes, but not for setting them.

Or, for now which other possibilities exist?
Please help with some hints,


12 May 2016 10:05
That function sounds very useful Ivan!
(In the process - any plans on changing/loading also node-materials via API?)
12 May 2016 09:49
Sounds great! Thank you Evgeny.
11 May 2016 13:26
Hi @ll,

using the new API run_entrypoint works great.

Calling from JavaScript the run_entrypoint function triggers the animation on that cube.
A second call from JavaScript to the same Logic-Node entry-point does not trigger the cube animation again.

Is there a way to make further trigger-calls from the JavaScript Entry-Point possible? (Perhaps wiring the Play-Animation-Next connector to some place?)

Cheers, Daniel.
11 May 2016 12:59
Hi @ll,

is there a way to switch an Environment-Map via API call?
For Image-Map textures there is the render-canvas approach. But that requires to set the texture Export-Option Source-Type to none.
On an Environment-Texture there doesn't seem to be the Export-Option: Source-Type.

Is there a way to tell the Texture-Node that the Canvas-Texture should be interpreted as Environment-Map?
Or is there another way to achieve dynamic EnvMap-Texture loading?

Cheers, Daniel
03 May 2016 17:28
Hi @ll,

when setting the camera with:
var phi_is_abs = true;
var theta_is_abs = true;
m_cam.rotate_target_camera(camObj, phi, theta, phi_is_abs, theta_is_abs);
it requires a mouse-drag on the canvas before the new phi and theta show effect.

Is there a method to trigger a camera update via code?
14 April 2016 13:08
Yes, just in Firefox. Chrome looks fine.
14 April 2016 11:56
Hi @ll,

on some machines (same as in post #5943) following website shows similar appearance in Firefox:

The console does not state any similar message as in previous posts, but it appears similar visually (black-material).
(env-map is 3x2 : 384x256px)

Any suggestions on this one?
Thanks in advance,

Cheers, Daniel.
17 February 2016 13:09
Hello @ll,

Could you provide an instruction on how to construct a 'TypeScript Declaration' of the b4w.min.js ? It would be a big improvement for development.

Primarily on how to handle the sub-modules like
var m_scenes = require("scenes");

and to transform them into something like
import {Scenes} from 'b4w/Scenes';

Any advice would be appreciated,


Complex TypeScript Definitions made easy
04 January 2016 18:15
Thank you Alexander, and С Новым Годом too for you and the whole Blend4Web-Team.