
由用户创建的信息 Ariel eduardo gimenez
26 August 2017 05:54
In english
Hello, I'm new using blend4web. I want to know where I can edit the project code. In my case I want to make a character move when I touch a key like w s a d, but I can not find a node that fulfills that function.

Sorry but I understand use the google translator since my language is spanish

En español.
Quiero editar el codigo del proyecto que estoy haciendo ya que no encuentro un nodo para poder mover un personaje con las teclas w s a d.Mi problema es que nose adonde hay que editarlo,puedo exportar como HTML,pero esta todo demasiado desprolijo como para trabajarlo.Como puedo trabajar con un ide y editar el codigo mientras estoy usando blender.
23 August 2017 05:01
The future of the web is WEBGL, obviously there will be many technologies competing with each other, but I doubt that C # will supplant javascript. It is obvious that unity suits C # since it would be out of pity for blend4web, three.js, Babylon .js …… Let's all know microsofoft and its plans to monopolize everything … Aca the problem is not the language, the real problem today is to see which language runs faster on the web, in my case I prefer Python with a compiler like pypy or something like that. I'm not a great programmer, I do not even speak English, I use the translator, but for what I read and practice, javascript is very far from being submitted by another language on the web at Not to be one that complies with the same features as javascript. So C # was made for one thing, javascript for another, osea unity is a video game engine and this very far from being able to represent the web.I support All programs that support blender3D, period and end.
23 August 2017 04:53
Definitivamente el futuro de la web es WEBGL,obviamente va a haber muchas tecnologias compitiendo entre si,pero dudo que C# suplante a javascript.