
由用户创建的信息 mveny
18 October 2016 21:19
Hello B4W team!

We can not find anything related to Dynamic LOD or how to implement such a feature for Terrain.
Could you point me to some resources for this?

27 September 2016 06:37
In blender 'Outliner'
The pull down menu usually says 'All Scenes' has an item called 'Orphan Data'
You should see the orphaned action, you can click the 'Purge All' button to get rid of unused actions.
19 September 2016 19:32
Perhaps you can manually use the python scripts and b4w project config files to customize how it compiles? I'm pretty sure everything the Project manager web page uses is available.
14 September 2016 17:59
I did try publishing to my webserver but I must have done something wrong on that step.. now that it's functioning I can continue ..

Thanks for your help!
14 September 2016 08:38
Here is the link to the script that does the exporting
14 September 2016 08:28
oops, HTML file by itself doesn't have physics..

here is the version with physics
14 September 2016 07:59
I was doing some tests with blender particle system and disappointed that B4W is similar to BGE where it only supports simulating effects with materials and billboard (maybe I'm wrong?) in it's particle system section.

Anyways, after some searching I found a way to export my particles as an animation!

I applied physics to my animation and added a big object for my animated particle system objects to interact with in B4W.

I think that exporting particles as animation should be an option in B4W!
13 September 2016 20:18
I'm using Blender 2.77a and B4W 16.08.

I built more or less the same test twice on a windows 7 machine and a windows 10 machine with identical Blender and B4W versions with the same result… so likely I'm making the same mistake on both

13 September 2016 20:09
Hi Konstantin, thanks.

I've zipped and posted the whole project for download here:

hopefully just something simple.

RussoFaccin, thanks for responding.
Have a look at the link I provided, "get_hours" is a string containing the callback id which the logic nodes access. The function name is get_hours_callback.. on that note .. I even did try putting the get_hours_callback into the logic node to see if I could get anything to work ;) no luck!

13 September 2016 03:02
I'm having trouble getting the JS Callback to work.

From these forums I downloaded the Mighty_Button_111 for example and I've watched https://youtu.be/dWEHg5Yzcys?t=1113
several times, I'm just trying to get it to show me some output in the console to show that it's working but I get an error.

I'm using the default generated code from my project and inserting the Mighty_Button code in with minor changes.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

var m_logic_nodes   = require("logic_nodes");

function init_cb(canvas_elem, success) {

if (!success) {
console.log("b4w init failure");


// ignore right-click on the canvas element
canvas_elem.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
return false;

m_logic_nodes.append_custom_callback("get_hours", get_hours_callback);

function get_hours_callback(in_params, out_params) {
var date = new Date();
var hours = date.getHours();

out_params[0] = hours;

On the console I get this message:

B4W ERROR: logic script error: no custom callback with id get_hours