
由用户创建的信息 polytriangle
23 December 2015 18:20
Thanx alot! figured it out and updated my fish viewer!

22 December 2015 11:55
Thanks alot! I can access it now.
I read the other post and trying out some things with external loading.
So how would the proper use of get_meta_tags(obj) be used? documentation confusing me bit, all I get returned is undefined or just object Object..

21 December 2015 23:37
So I load one json containing Cube1,
then I load another json containing Cube2.
Both cubes are visible and it works nice except I can access Cube1 but not Cube2.
B4W ERROR: get object Cube2: not found
What am I missing here?

//load scene one
function load_sc1() {m_data.load("scene1.json",sc1_loaded_cb);} //has Cube1

//load scene two
function load_sc2() {m_data.load("scene2.json");} //has Cube2

function sc1_loaded_cb(data_id) {

//test functions
function test_one(){ var obj_one = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("Cube1");} //works
function test_two(){ var obj_two = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("Cube2");} //fails..

03 November 2015 23:45
Yea that will work, thanks!
01 November 2015 12:49
Hi! Would it be possible to implement something like this to work?

Kristian S

12 October 2015 20:59
You could also try adjusting the near and far clip plane on the camera, setting it so that you only render what is supposed to be seen in the scene. If the faces are at the same location then z-fight will appear anyway.
03 October 2015 14:03
That fixed it , thanks!
02 October 2015 22:26
I get "Python3 not found" on OSX when trying to open project manager.
installed python 3.5 but still get the error.

28 April 2015 21:48
heh, solved:) Thanx!
28 April 2015 20:51
Hi, Im having problems exporting a simple armature animation loop test.
If I export the attached scene as html it hangs on 39% loading.
anyone else has this problem? is my setup wrong?
using 15.03