
由用户创建的信息 pythoncoaching
02 December 2023 08:31 [ON MODERATION]
21 October 2023 11:22 [ON MODERATION]
if you are a student and want to learn python with no money then you should join a youtube channel or you can read books, read online blogs, and get a projects to get practical knowledge about python.

You can learn Python for free through online blogs and tutorials. Start by exploring resources like Python.org's official documentation, and then turn to popular blogs such as Real Python, Python Weekly, and the Python Software Foundation's blog. These blogs offer a plethora of articles, tutorials, and tips on Python programming. Additionally, online platforms like Medium often host Python-related content from various authors.

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Don't forget YouTube, where you can find countless Python tutorial channels for visual learning. Complement your learning with interactive coding challenges on websites like Codecademy, HackerRank, and LeetCode. Ultimately, the key to mastering Python without spending money is consistency and practice, so be sure to apply what you learn by working on your own coding projects.

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