
由用户创建的信息 trepaning
07 January 2015 22:43
I'm betting you folks will make it happen!
07 January 2015 20:32
If anyone is serious about analytics info, then stats should not be based off a single source. Grab it from various sources, mix it together, and break it down from that. Google stats differ from Statcounter differ from Piwik differ from proprietary statistics info for the various sales channels. There is nothing in business easier to manipulate or misunderstand than statistical analytics, so it is always best to diversify on sources and know what that info means to your business. I worked here for 4 years http://www.cardinalpath.com/ and can get kind of wordy about stat numbers, so I'll leave it at that.
06 January 2015 23:18
According to our internal stats, the products offered have a high incidence of interest for older people who amount to 43% of IE using the sites. We use Statcounter, Piwik, Google, and a couple other stat sources which we aggregate, then disseminate.
06 January 2015 20:58
It is a useful idea for me for planning what to use in a product demo. Not so much for personal projects, but work related stuff requires acknowledging a user base of 43% IE.
06 January 2015 20:54
Okay, thanks, got that to work. Placed

var m_mouse = require("mouse");

outside functions, and placed


inside function main_canvas_click(e) {

Hover works once somewhere else on page has been clicked on.

Preference is now for a slight glow to all clickable objects that is always on so mobile users know there is something to click.

FYI: hover glow not working in IE 11
06 January 2015 10:31
I just realized God Rays don't work in IE. Not sure if this is a bug, or a browser issue, which brings me to ask, is there any documentation of what features work with what browsers?

As examples, IE has no audio. Firefox cannot play video texture if an HTML export, stuff like that.
06 January 2015 02:13
Hijacking this request from another thread:

It would be awesome if this example
were to be updated to make the Cube glow, and then reposted.
05 January 2015 22:48
I can't figure out how to make an object glow. A simple tutorial would be awesome.
05 January 2015 20:14
If you want to see the actual Glube in use, here is a video from "The Music of Junk" with me as Jake the Drummer. http://youtu.be/EYIUgbWCmvA

02 January 2015 11:19
is their a best camera size or object size for the sake of standardizing? I build in real world scales, but they don't always work for particles systems. So, is there a standard size an object should be, a standard camera frame ratio that should be used? As a made up example, an object should be a minimum of 1 meter and a 1920x1080 cameras is the best and if the object is centered, then a Min of 2 and a Max of 10 will always work. I ask just to set up a consistent look and workflow. I can experiment, but my system is being used to render for the next 2 days, so thought I would just ask.