
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Duarte Ramos
10 ноября 2014 19:40
Yes that sounds like what I am looking for, I have yet to try the viewer app, but I've been meaning to give it a try. Nice to know new and improved cameras are coming to the web player too.

Most welcome, if you search for SSDO in google I'm sure more relevant information will pop up
10 ноября 2014 18:14
Hello first and foremost let me congratulate you for what I think is simply THE BEST Blender addon ever, this produces really great models for the web without depending on third party web services.

Now my feature request, would it be possible to add an option to allow panning the view with a "target camera" type?
Some times just orbiting around a fixed point is not enough, and the "eye" type is overkill and doesn't work on mobile (does it?).

Also I'll just leave this here if you ever want to further improving visual quality of the web Rendering engine in the future: SSDO - Screen Space Directional Occlusion https://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~ritschel/Papers/SSDO.pdf
10 ноября 2014 16:28
Wow I have been aching for this, glad I have stopped by the forums, having this will greatly improve workflow