
Сообщения, созданные пользователем smokedawg
13 октября 2014 22:10
Great! Sorry for asking and thank you for answering because i wanted to use blender 4web in my next project and i only know python, so i needed to know if i can still use blender instead of unity for my clients project.

To me
(Logic bricks= no scripting aposed to scripting, easy aposed to hard, already know aposed to donot know, does logic aposed to nonsense) and non trivial by definition means important. If your goal is to have limitless functions then you must not limit your functions.
12 октября 2014 23:52
i can answer any question for fun on this thread if any body wishes, look up worlds unanswered questions and give one a go. You cannot have a question without an answer, but if you ask the question "can there be a question without an answer" the only real response is "only if yyou can have an answer without a question"
12 октября 2014 21:07
"Django lets you write web apps in Django. TurboGears lets you write web apps in TurboGears. Web.py lets you write web apps in Python."  —  Adam Atlas
12 октября 2014 21:05
Webpy claims the possibilty to write web software in python. If blender is written in python, web.py should run the software application. Since im not an expert im asking not saying
12 октября 2014 16:25
I was wondering if it is possible to automate by script all the bpy functions, as well another automation for the bge functions into this http://webpy.org/ web browser python framework resulting in not only combining bpy and bge but also reducing the entire gap between blender and the web
12 октября 2014 13:15
I took a look at the b4w api, and cannot figure out if i can make math calculations or even so interact with live text input . I do know java has its own math, but i am unaware if b4w; uses its own, uses javas math, or doesnt do math. Also i was wondering if binding blenders logic bricks will even be possible.
11 октября 2014 18:11
theres always more then one perspective, is one perspective!! for there to be something there must be nothing, to choose to become a winner means you choose you are a loser. Just helping keep thebalance of the universe!

ps. (exoteric knowledge can only be found outside yourself using common sense wihin you as aposed to esoteric knowledge which is knowledge hidden within you, but if exoteric knowledge can only be obtaind within yourself that means its esoteric, which implies theres only one form of knowledge.) Your either developing something or nothing but your always developing.
11 октября 2014 18:02
if that is an advanced question then that is a simple answer. it never stooopss
11 октября 2014 15:31
The opposite of ("gap between blender and web") is equal to ("no gap between blender and web") so by understanding which one your goal is may you truely see what your path is. If your true goal is ("hope to reduce the gap between it and the web.") then it seems as if your ultimate goal is either the continuous act of reducing, or the result of not having to reduce any more. If by any chance your goal is the result of not having to reduce the gap any more , then i would strongly suggest you consider looking at blenders verse internet protocol, as well as the blender verse addon and you can start to imagine the missing piece to accomplish that goal. Question = If blender is to firefox, as .html file is to .blend file, then what is web?? Connecting computers, or connecting browsers, or sending information.. To find an answer, you must have a problem, look more clear at this example when you use the universal law of polarity - question :whats the easiest way to communicate all blender functions and information without a gap in between. - answer: by not doing the hardest way to communicate all blender functions and infrmation with a gap in between.

-@ visualizer = you msde a conclusion by concluding you dont have a conclusion. Theres always more then one perspective, but thats one perspective.
10 октября 2014 15:56
What i see in blend for web is the attempt to integrate blender tools to develop content for the web. In my honest opinion your goal is always either going to be hard or easy, bad or good, have an end or not, so IF blend for web is the "wrong approach to your goal" would it not be that web for blend is "the right approach to your goal" .