
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Юрий Ковеленов
22 октября 2014 18:35
Перепечатано с англ. форума. Парни из Канады играют, поют и моделируют в Blender'е.

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19 октября 2014 11:08
The source blend files for this gamedev tutorial are part of the free SDK distribution. Please take a look at how collision mesh is made there.
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19 октября 2014 09:15
Great! So inspiring
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19 октября 2014 09:10
Please look at this tutorial
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18 октября 2014 21:51
Great work!

B4W supports hair particles only for instancing purposes. You may want to create a mesh in order to render human hair.
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18 октября 2014 10:11
Just wow! That's very interesting and creative. Looking forward for the 3D web app!
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18 октября 2014 04:32
Hi Zakaro, trepaning

This message is shown just as a warning. While 2.72 seems working fine without recompilation I'd recommend to wait 1-2 weeks until Blend4Web 14.10.
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16 октября 2014 14:35
Yep, moreover loading external JSON files with the web player is more effective than using self-contained HTML files
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16 октября 2014 13:04
Hi glanderglander and welcome to the Blend4Web forum!

We intentionally do not support physics for self-contained HTML files just to keep their size small. However you still can use physics within standard web player if you load external JSON files as it is shown in this tutorial.

Alternatively you can write your own app and link uranium.js to it. See our programming tutorials.
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16 октября 2014 09:52

You can place your json scenes + their textures on a remote server. In your local app when the user selects a scene to show you can insert/modify an iframe element to load that scene, e.g.

<iframe width=750 height=400 allowfullscreen src="http://www.blend4web.com/apps/embed/embed.html?load=../../assets/capri/vehicles/mi_34s1/mi_34s1_demo_scene_en.json"></iframe>
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