
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Юрий Ковеленов
15 октября 2014 18:47
Благодаря Михаилу и Ивану это приложение является самым популярным среди более чем 900 демо на сайте MDN.

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15 октября 2014 18:38
Thanks to Mikhail and Ivan this demo is going to be the most viewed & liked among over 900 open source demos hosted on MDN.

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15 октября 2014 15:19
Ответ на сообщение пользователя visualizer
Yeah I confused with where to exactly post & duplicated it… Sorry!

No problem
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15 октября 2014 15:16

the source .blend file for this tutorial together with its code is located in the SDK. You can download it from here.

The exact path is external/deploy/tutorials/examples/interactive_web_application

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15 октября 2014 15:08
Hi I've remove a dublicate post from the Jobs forum. Our guys will try to find time for making a simple interactive example.
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14 октября 2014 11:07
Hi and welcome to the B4W forum!

Blend4Web apps load a pair of .json and binary files. In case of self-contained HTML files they are packed together with the engine and the web player.

You can load .json files within your app or using the standard web player. Note that loading resources into web apps is subject to the same-origin policy rule.

Please see this tutorial for available deploying options.
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13 октября 2014 17:11

A tutorial of such settings step by step most appreciated. Mainly the Helicopter one

Currently we are making a tutorial about artist tricks used to achieve photo-realism for the Watch demo. We'll definitely publish more usage examples on NLA Script.

Also is there any near future chance of these "Track To, Locked Track and Transformation" getting covered under B4w's abilities?

I think we could add the support some day. Meantime instead of these object-level constraints you can easily use the corresponding bone constraints and parent the moving parts to these bones. Note you will need to bake skeletal animation before exporting. See this and this tutorial for more info.
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11 октября 2014 17:47
Hmm I'm sorry that is too advanced question to me.
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11 октября 2014 10:28
Hi Visualizer and welcome to our forum!

I am just wondering if the same thing can brought up in B4W with all its rich visual feel & interactive functions.
I believe Blend4Web is the right tool to do such things. At the current development stage though we don't support constraints such as Track To, Locked Track and Transformation used in the tutorial you mentioned. However they can be easily replaced with a single armature rig. For example we rigged the Cessna aircraft for our Island demo in that way, and that was very easy.

Any such tutorials Welcome ! to make such stunning stuff in B4W.
Sure stay tuned

Thanks for your interest!
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10 октября 2014 17:29
Hi and welcome to the forum!

We had chosen to use Blender instead of developing our own editor few years ago. This approach has some pros and cons of course. What I can say is that having the Blender power on our side is a huge advantage. We are starting to participate in Blender development and hope to reduce the gap between it and the web.
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