
由用户创建的信息 Wgallo
05 March 2018 23:40
As simple as i can be:
The logic nodes i setup move the objects in the center up and down and side ways.
The sliders i setup control ANOTHER object in the center by every time i move either one i get different motion in the object.
Basically sliders are directed to control A and logic nodes to control B. But i need both to launch together in the screen and i dont know how to tie them up.
By the way this is going to help a lot of disable people. Im in healthcare and i will buy B4W to publish as soon as i get this done.
So basically i know i have to setup a js cb logic node for the sliders (create an id) and then add before the scene load in the code. The sliders are obviously javascript (function create slider). They launch andbwork really good, but so far i didnt get to put together with the logic nodes i did (and u helped me, so thank you so much!).

I guess what i need above is to place things where they are suppose to be. I think in the code above things are out of place.
05 March 2018 16:47
Ive been reading an article. I will try to add an entry point and check off "run from javascript" and following that a js callback node specifying an id and copy that id to the create slider function??
04 March 2018 19:20
The sliders are not launching in the browser, but the logic nodes are. Please thats all I need to finish this. Four months working on it.
Alexander, it all comes down to this. I have one project loading correctly all the sliders, and one loading correctly all the logic nodes, but i go to the code and modify, and modify, and there is no way to get it to work all together.
So i need help. Below is what I have to get it right. Since one object in the scene has sliders(javascript) and logic nodes simultaneously I added a JS callback to that logic node. And thats it. Im not sure what else to do, but wait for you to put your golden fingers to work. Thank you so much for anything.

how do i get all the logic nodes i did to launch with the sliders??
they dont even work in the same object…

"use strict"

b4w.register("ARETRY_main", function(exports, require) {

// import modules used by the app
var m_app       = b4w.app;
var m_cfg       = b4w.config;
var m_data      = b4w.data;
var m_preloader = b4w.preloader;
var m_ver       = b4w.version;
var m_scenes    = b4w.scenes;
var m_obj       = b4w.objects;
var m_cont      = b4w.container;
// detect application mode
var DEBUG = (m_ver.type() == "DEBUG");

// automatically detect assets path
var APP_ASSETS_PATH = m_cfg.get_assets_path("ARETRY");

 * export the method to initialize the app (called at the bottom of this file)
exports.init = function() {
        canvas_container_id: "main_canvas_container",
        callback: init_cb,
        show_fps: true,
        autoresize: true,
        assets_dds_available: !DEBUG,
        assets_min50_available: !DEBUG,
        console_verbose: true

 * callback executed when the app is initialized 
function init_cb(canvas_elem, success) {

    if (!success) {
        console.log("b4w init failure");


    // ignore right-click on the canvas element
    canvas_elem.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
        return false;


 * load the scene data
function load() {
    m_data.load(APP_ASSETS_PATH + "ARETRY.json", load_cb, preloader_cb);
function load_cb(data_id) {
    var main_interface_container = document.createElement("div");
    main_interface_container.className = "main_sliders_container";
    main_interface_container.setAttribute("id", "main_sliders_container");
    m_app.enable_camera_controls(false, false, false, null, true);
    var obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("JUST-HEAD-SPINE.001");
    if (obj)
 * update the app's preloader
function preloader_cb(percentage) {

 * callback executed when the scene data is loaded
function load_cb(data_id, success) {

    if (!success) {
        console.log("b4w load failure");


    // place your code here

function create_interface(obj) {
    if (!m_geom.check_shape_keys(obj))
    create_dual_slider(obj, "fatten", "shrink", "Weight");
    var shape_keys_names = m_geom.get_shape_keys_names(obj);
    for (var i  = 0; i < shape_keys_names.length; i++) {
        if (shape_keys_names[i] == "fatten" || shape_keys_names[i] == "shrink")
        create_slider(obj, shape_keys_names[i], shape_keys_names[i]);

function create_slider(obj, key_name, slider_name) {
    var slider = init_slider(slider_name);
    var value_label = document.getElementById(slider_name);
    var value = m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name);

    slider.min = 0;
    slider.max = 1;
    slider.step = 0.02;
    slider.value = value;
    value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    function slider_changed(e) {
        m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, key_name, slider.value);
        value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    if (is_ie11())
        slider.onchange = slider_changed;
        slider.oninput = slider_changed;

function create_dual_slider(obj, key_name_1, key_name_2, slider_name) {
    var slider = init_slider(slider_name);
    var value_label = document.getElementById(slider_name);
    var value = m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name_1) 
            - m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name_2)

    slider.min = -1;
    slider.max = 1;
    slider.step = 0.02;
    slider.value = value;
    value_label.textContent = Math.floor(slider.value*100)/100;

    function slider_changed(e) {
        if (slider.value < 0) {
            var key_name = key_name_2;
            var reset_name = key_name_1;
            var value = -slider.value;
        } else {
            var key_name = key_name_1;
            var reset_name = key_name_2;
            var value = slider.value;
        m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, key_name, value);
        if (m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, reset_name))
            m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, reset_name, 0);
        value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    if (is_ie11())
        slider.onchange = slider_changed;
        slider.oninput = slider_changed;

function init_slider(name) {
    var container = document.createElement("div");
    container.className = "slider_container";

    var name_label = document.createElement("label");
    name_label.className = "text_label";
    name_label.textContent = name;

    var slider = document.createElement("input");
    slider.className = "input_slider";
    slider.setAttribute("type", "range");

    var value_label = document.createElement("label");
    value_label.className = "value_label";
    value_label.setAttribute("id", name);


    var main_slider_container = document.getElementById("main_sliders_container");

    return slider;

function is_ie11() {
    return !(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window;



// import the app module and start the app by calling the init method

Thank you so much for helping….by the way, it is crucial i get this done! I m willing to pay for anyone's time to have this to load as it should, logic nodes & javascript. Ive been toall the possible tutorials this past weekend. I need to finish this since i got this far. Thank you again.
04 March 2018 03:40
….,let me know why the sliders are not loading?
Something is out of order and the function that create the sliders is not working.
Im using the morphing snippet example. Im not good with javascript and I know some "expert eyes here" can eyeball easily the problem.
The rest of formatting, sizing, etc, i can do. It is a syntax issue I think.

Please. I would be very thankful !!!

"use strict"

b4w.register("ARETRY_main", function(exports, require) {

// import modules used by the app
var m_app       = b4w.app;
var m_cfg       = b4w.config;
var m_data      = b4w.data;
var m_preloader = b4w.preloader;
var m_ver       = b4w.version;
var m_scenes    = b4w.scenes;
var m_obj       = b4w.objects;
var m_cont      = b4w.container;
// detect application mode
var DEBUG = (m_ver.type() == "DEBUG");

// automatically detect assets path
var APP_ASSETS_PATH = m_cfg.get_assets_path("ARETRY");

 * export the method to initialize the app (called at the bottom of this file)
exports.init = function() {
        canvas_container_id: "main_canvas_container",
        callback: init_cb,
        show_fps: true,
        autoresize: true,
        assets_dds_available: !DEBUG,
        assets_min50_available: !DEBUG,
        console_verbose: true

 * callback executed when the app is initialized 
function init_cb(canvas_elem, success) {

    if (!success) {
        console.log("b4w init failure");


    // ignore right-click on the canvas element
    canvas_elem.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
        return false;


 * load the scene data
function load() {
    m_data.load(APP_ASSETS_PATH + "ARETRY.json", load_cb, preloader_cb);
function load_cb(data_id) {
    var main_interface_container = document.createElement("div");
    main_interface_container.className = "main_sliders_container";
    main_interface_container.setAttribute("id", "main_sliders_container");
    m_app.enable_camera_controls(false, false, false, null, true);
    var obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("JUST-HEAD-SPINE.001");
    if (obj)
 * update the app's preloader
function preloader_cb(percentage) {

 * callback executed when the scene data is loaded
function load_cb(data_id, success) {

    if (!success) {
        console.log("b4w load failure");


    // place your code here

function create_interface(obj) {
    if (!m_geom.check_shape_keys(obj))
    create_dual_slider(obj, "fatten", "shrink", "Weight");
    var shape_keys_names = m_geom.get_shape_keys_names(obj);
    for (var i  = 0; i < shape_keys_names.length; i++) {
        if (shape_keys_names[i] == "fatten" || shape_keys_names[i] == "shrink")
        create_slider(obj, shape_keys_names[i], shape_keys_names[i]);

function create_slider(obj, key_name, slider_name) {
    var slider = init_slider(slider_name);
    var value_label = document.getElementById(slider_name);
    var value = m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name);

    slider.min = 0;
    slider.max = 1;
    slider.step = 0.02;
    slider.value = value;
    value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    function slider_changed(e) {
        m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, key_name, slider.value);
        value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    if (is_ie11())
        slider.onchange = slider_changed;
        slider.oninput = slider_changed;

function create_dual_slider(obj, key_name_1, key_name_2, slider_name) {
    var slider = init_slider(slider_name);
    var value_label = document.getElementById(slider_name);
    var value = m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name_1) 
            - m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, key_name_2)

    slider.min = -1;
    slider.max = 1;
    slider.step = 0.02;
    slider.value = value;
    value_label.textContent = Math.floor(slider.value*100)/100;

    function slider_changed(e) {
        if (slider.value < 0) {
            var key_name = key_name_2;
            var reset_name = key_name_1;
            var value = -slider.value;
        } else {
            var key_name = key_name_1;
            var reset_name = key_name_2;
            var value = slider.value;
        m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, key_name, value);
        if (m_geom.get_shape_key_value(obj, reset_name))
            m_geom.set_shape_key_value(obj, reset_name, 0);
        value_label.textContent = slider.value;

    if (is_ie11())
        slider.onchange = slider_changed;
        slider.oninput = slider_changed;

function init_slider(name) {
    var container = document.createElement("div");
    container.className = "slider_container";

    var name_label = document.createElement("label");
    name_label.className = "text_label";
    name_label.textContent = name;

    var slider = document.createElement("input");
    slider.className = "input_slider";
    slider.setAttribute("type", "range");

    var value_label = document.createElement("label");
    value_label.className = "value_label";
    value_label.setAttribute("id", name);


    var main_slider_container = document.getElementById("main_sliders_container");

    return slider;

function is_ie11() {
    return !(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window;



// import the app module and start the app by calling the init method
26 February 2018 02:38
In this case, I would like the viewer to (hopefully using the logic nodes) to every time a click happens, the arm will move, to determine angle of incline. It is a goniometer. So i though about using the shape keys, in a way that on every click the viewer would advance one degree, all the way to 90, depending on the situation.
With shape keys the arm deforms…big time. Then I tried adding a lot of vertical loops to the arm but still happens.
What kind of solution can I have for this one?? If I use armature?

Thank you again for so much help I get !! I am attaching the file. Also, as a second question: If i want to plainly use the material for color, could you please check if when I export it will show? it is just one color anyway…

Again, a billion thanks for everyone here!!!!!
17 February 2018 05:09
Why it doesnt surprise me your dependability and ability to be a nice guy!! I would buy any product from you!!! thank you so much for everything. I will go in depth and study all of this. With your help I will finish it!!!
16 February 2018 05:31
Im so frustrated with the transform object and Alexander, you are so helpful to everyone over here. You stand by your product and im so excited with blender 4 web. Its the best thing ever invented…
I hit a dead end with the transform object node. Im attaching a sample file with the issue in question. When clicking on plane 3 and or plane 4,(they are suppose to go up or down on every click) the sphere jumps and thats when starts to work. I used local as well it doesnt work.
Im not sure what else to do here because i dont have knowledge enough to apply the patch and build blender back up….so I was wondering if you have a blender version with this patch applied already. With this fixed, I can move on. ..otherwise im not sure what i will do. the viewer need to be able to accurate position the objects clicking in my case, because its more accurate.
My coding skills are next to poor still. Ive done a lot, though, thanks to you. But getting the patch in, and rebuilding blender is far out of my league. Maybe im asking too much from you, but i dont really know what else to do here. You are probably tired of me..sorry..
13 February 2018 16:54
Can i open this from inside blender under scripting?
13 February 2018 06:20
What is the bug with "transform object"???? because my scene is all working awesome but I was going to write you about that:
my problem is once setting up the object to move one step to the left and continue moving at every click of the user, when object is clicked for the first time it jumps very far…then it starts to work as it should (the way i set it up, every click moves a bit). Is this what is going on???? no matter what I do (ctrl+a to reset location, rotation and scale, object to origin, etc).
It always goes far, so then to work well after the first click.
If thats the case where/how do I apply the patch?? i will look online to find out…you have done enough for me.

Thank you !

Thank you !!!
13 February 2018 06:16
OMG this is soo awesome!!!! Thank you so much Alexander!!! Thank you !!!

May I ask….what is the trouble with "transform object"???? because my scene is all working awesome but I was going to write you about that:
my problem is once setting up the object to move one step to the left when object is clicked, it works great ONLY AFTER THE VERY FIRST CLICK….because when one clicks it for the first time it jumps very far…then it starts to work as it should (the way i set it up). Is this what is going on???? no matter what I do (ctrl+a to reset location, rotation and scale, object to origin, etc).
It always goes far, so then to work well after the first click.
If thats the case where do I apply the patch?? i will look online to find out…you have done enough for me.

Thank you so much!!