
由用户创建的信息 dallas3d
27 May 2016 08:15
Perfect! I haven't worked with rays yet. What would the code for getting terrain coordinates look like?
25 May 2016 21:49
I want the object/vehicle moving along a predermined path in realtime, with the height of the path it follows user-variable and effects of gravity applied. I guess a baked animation would not be able to be affected by physics. If so, then is there an alternative to using an animation path to set the x-y course for the object?
25 May 2016 01:43
Hopefully I can save myself a lot of time and grief by asking this question, which i hope makes sense.

I would like to set an object to follow a predetermined path, with curves, relative to an x-y plane. At the same time I would like it to conform to variable terrain along the z axis, as well as pick up/lose speed on inclines. Can this be done?

I can do a diagram to show what I have in mind, if needed.
19 May 2016 17:08
The best way I can think of to describe what I want - to display a live web page on the surface of a mesh; animations, clickable links, etc.
11 May 2016 03:28
I have an NLA animation strip that I'd like to play only portions of, depending on html button clicks.. In this case, I have an animation that runs to 127 frames, but I want the playback to stop at 77, and it won't. I guess something must be missing:

		m_nla.set_range(1, 77);
11 May 2016 00:07
Never mind. I did a bit of digging and found the solution here - https://www.blend4web.com/en/forums/topic/271/
10 May 2016 23:52
OK, I have a problem and I think I may be missing a step or a setting somewhere.

I have a skeleton-based animated figure and I want to put props in its hands. The documentation seems to say I do this by applying a Copy Transforms constraint to each object, associating it with the bone for the hand it will be held by, and I've done this. However, when I run my test scene the props do not move with the figure. What am I missing?
26 November 2015 00:05
There are times I'll want to create a scene that allows me to move around as in a typical game, but also use the mouse pointer to select objects in it. The problem - pointerlock interferes with object clicking, and mouse drag stops rotation once the pointer gets to the edge of the screen.

My request is to have an option to freely rotate the camera/character while the lmb is being held down.
26 November 2015 00:00
Thanks again, finally got what I was looking for!

I still think having a variation of pointer lock that is toggled by holding/releasing the lmb would be ideal solution, so I'm going to add that to the feature request forum.
25 November 2015 07:54
I have a new warning I want to learn the cause of (also I need the canvas to be scalable):

Wrong canvas container dimensions: 1920x0. Zero dimensions aren't allowed. Resized to: 320x240.

My code is below (attach isn't working):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="b4w.min.js"></script>

var m_app  = b4w.require("app");
var m_data = b4w.require("data");
var m_cfg  = b4w.require("config");
var m_cont = b4w.require("container");

        canvas_container_id: "body_id", 
        callback: init_cb,
        physics_enabled: false,
        alpha: true,
        autoresize: true

function init_cb(canvas_elem, success) {

    if (!success) {
        console.log("b4w init failure");


function load() {
    m_data.load("blend_data/skull_v8.json", load_cb);

function load_cb(data_id) {
#body_id {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	margin-top:10px !important;

<body id="body_id" bgcolor="gray">