
由用户创建的信息 Evgeny Rodygin
30 March 2015 10:49
In Firefox it works fine in version 34.0 on Linux but does not work perfectly in Firefox 36.0.4 on OSX where the background galaxy is missing. I am not sure what is causing this bug. Perhaps it is a bug in Firefox.


There are numerous bugreports from Firefox users on Mozilla website. For some reason, it reduces the actual texture size limit comparing to other browsers, and big textures are not allowed to be drawn on Mac. So, there is nothing we can do right now. Need to wait for fix from Mozilla.
29 March 2015 01:15
Доброй ночи. У вас в анимации "attack(все анимации)" на 132 кадре на некоторых костях присутствуют дублированные анимационные ключи. Видимо, Blender в каких-то специфических случаях их случайно создает. Из-за этого Blend4Web не может их корректно интерполировать. В следующих релизах мы разберемся с такими случаями.

На данный момент я бы посоветовал вам просто запечь анимацию с помощью запекателя Blend4Web. Это устранит проблему. Но обратите внимание, что для корректной анимации следует применить Rotation и Scale объекта. Так же крайне желательно переместить origin-ы арматуры и объекта в одну точку.

И последнее по вашей модели - лучше нормальзовать все вертексные веса, потому что в противном случае будут отличия от того, что вы увидете в браузере.
27 March 2015 10:24
If I use Euler ZXY in blender viewport the animation looks ok, but when I export I to Blend4Web I always get this unexpected result where the object rotates over the global Z axis : TheSpaceCakeLogo3D_wrong
As it is described in documentation, Blend4Web properly supports only XYZ Euler and Quaternions. Other combinations are pretty difficult to support, but we have such plans anyway.

Some times I am just experimenting with a file, doing all sorts of messy things I do not wish to keep, but when I quit I notice the file as been saved and I inadvertently ruined my work without possibility to undo.
Is this a known issue, intentional functionality or a requirement for correctly exporting? Has this changed in later versions or are there nay plans to alter this behavior?
You can always disable this behavior. There is an Autosave blend File flag to the left of the files' list during export.
25 March 2015 11:01
Most likely, the issue is that the armature's and object's origins are in different locations. If you will force the origins to have same coords the animation will be fixed.
Our users face this restriction pretty often, so we will fix this in future releases.
24 March 2015 12:09
Thanks for suggestion!
Such approach really could reduce the file-size, but I think this kind of animation would be possible only for very low-poly objects. If we have, say, 1000 vertices, this will give us 1000 bones, which is not acceptable as we are trying to support a wide range of devices. Any mobile will dislike this idea. And not only mobile, actually.

And I don't really know how is it possible to control such a huge armature object.
24 March 2015 11:55

Actually, you don't need the metarig object. You can set Do Not Export flag on it.
As it is described in the documentation you can also set Animation: Use Default flag in order the animation to be played automatically, and set the required behavior for the rig object.
Also, you need to apply "Mirror" modifier if you want to use armature animation. (This is a Blend4Web limitation for now)
24 March 2015 10:23

Ответ на сообщение пользователя drewpotter
Hopefully Apple will add support for this feature!

I wonder if it is worth asking them on their forums to give them a nudge?
This is a nice idea. If the guys will see that the community is interested in the feature they'll surely work on it. It will be useful not only for Blend4Web but for any firstperson web-application.
23 March 2015 17:18
Hi, and welcome to the forum!
You are right about Safari. It really doesn't support the pointer_lock feature yet. We have a workaround for this case. We support dragging the screen when no pointer_lock available. You can see it in "The Farm" demo.

As of this example, we haven't added the workaround to simplify the tutorial. So. Yes, now it is not fully useful in Safari.
23 March 2015 15:41
Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать на форум!
Ваша проблема больше всего похожа на разный масштаб на canvas-контейнере и на самом canvas-e.
Скорее всего, её можно решить, если вызвать функцию из аддона app.js: app.resize_to_containter().

Так же нужно не забыть зарегистрировать обработчик изменения размера окна, как это сделано, например, в этом примере (искать по вызову функции on_resize).
23 March 2015 12:22

You can just replace
var alex = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("alex", data_id);

var alex_arm = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("alexArmature", data_id);

And make all the translation stuff with it:
m_trans.set_translation(alex_arm, 111, 0, 0); //xzy
m_trans.set_scale(alex_arm, 5);

But you need to keep in mind that in this case alex had to be parented to alexArmature.