
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Александр Ковеленов
05 января 2016 18:13
Maybe your texture does not have alpha channel or so. Check blender/materials/alpha.blend file inside your SDK to see how this type of transparency is configured.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 18:08
Seems like it loads all the object visible and hide after that.
Yes, the hide operation is scheduled to the time the scene is fully loaded, if you check your scene in the Viewer app, the scene shows before that (this is made intentionally for debug purposes). Check the same scene in Webplayer to see the difference.
Some PC crashes when it loaded may be because it exceed the memory.
Maybe your scene is too big. Check debug counters provided by the Viewer app see the actual scene complexity. Good values are 1 million triangles, bellow 100 draw calls and shaders, below 500 Mb consumed video memory.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 17:58
The blend file is attached in the original post.
Unfortunately I don't see any. There is just one exported html file.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 13:16

The .json file constains only the scene models/cameras/lamps etc and does not include any code. This is what JavaScript (.js) files for. This approach allows artists and coders work independently from each other. If you need more info about this approach see the following topic in the documenation.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 13:08
Hi and welcome to our forums!

Sorry for such long delays (we're celebrating the New Year till 11 January ). I cannot understand what you are trying to do: make some RPC request to another server or execute some function within current execution environment? In both cases you need to write some code, in the first one, make xmlhttprequest to the remote server in the second, just execute the function.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 12:59
Currently the best way to do this is using the "Move Camera" logic node and the target camera move style. Assigning some duration in this node allow you to make smoothed camera movement to the desired destination.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 12:54
Hello and welcome to our forums!

I try to put logic hide the object, but it seems like not working in the way that i want.
The "Hide Object" logic node should do the work. If you experience any unusual behavior please provide more info or some example file so we could investigate the issue further.
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 12:44

Unfortunately I can't fully understand no reproduce the issue yet. Could you provide the source blend file?
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 12:38
1) This is a bug, I think we'll fix it by the next release. This happens due to the fact that the first loaded objects is always reported as having "ANY" collision id. Anyway thanks for reporting.
2) There is no such restrictions, you can always do any physics simulations from the dynamically loaded scenes. Did you assigned physics on the loaded objects? Or maybe it's somehow confused with the issue 1?
Команда Blend4Web
05 января 2016 12:13
Yes, you are right, currently the engine supports only one armature modifier per mesh. That means that you should split the mesh too.
Команда Blend4Web