
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Евгений Родыгин
23 марта 2015 12:00
We have investigated your file. The problem is that one of the Armature objects on the scene is hidden. Thus, our bake script was not able to work properly. For now you can just unhide "metarig" object. This will be solve in the upcoming release this week.

Thanks for pointing out the bug!
20 марта 2015 10:26

It is pretty difficult to say what is the issue without seeing the scene.
Could you please give us an example of the blend file which is causing this error?
It is better to attach it to the post. Or, if you don't want to share your work right now, you can send it to my email: evgeny-ar@blend4web.com
17 марта 2015 15:36
Is there a facility in which we can open a scene from within a scene by triggering something?
Yes, it is possible with a bit of programming. I've attached a sample project to this post.

Also can blend4web features camera inside object?
as most of the samples so far I have seen are turntable kind, can there be something like you are inside the room? …. an interactive walk through?
There are no problems with this. The Farm application is a good example. But this will also require programming.
17 марта 2015 14:44
Ответ на сообщение пользователя Visualizer
Hey yuri

where is the tutorial for this kind of walk through making thing? :)

This application is pretty complex and the description of every feature would require several tutorials to be written.
All this needs pretty much programming. But you can always make a request on some stuff that you are interested in, and we'll condsider making an article about it. For example, we have a tutorial on creating a firstperson application which resembles what you can see here.
16 марта 2015 11:31
Thanks, renoskystudios,

There are really some ambiguities with addon and SDK installations. For example, if you have installed SDK and will try to remove it the same way as the addon - it will result in some necessary files corruption. This means you can't have both: addon and SDK installed at the same time. For now it is better to choose what type of installation you need and try to not mix two options. But we work on stability and we are looking forward to solve this issue in later releases.
05 марта 2015 12:27

Ответ на сообщение пользователя CyberKatana
Это уже поддерживается последней версией? Если да, то где можно про это почитать? Если нет, то когда планируете?
Да, о рендеринге в текстуру написано здесь:

Но этот функционал никак не связан с переходом между сценами.
05 марта 2015 11:17
Добрый день.

Если говорить о Blender-ских cценах, то пока у нас не завершена работа над их полноценной поддержкой, и они используются только для рендеринга сцен в текстуру. Например, чтобы отрисовать объекты из вспомогательной сцены на экране монитора, находящегося в основной сцене.

Если же вас интересует просто возможность перемещения по разным локациям, то для этого отлично подойдут функции из модуля data: load() и unload(). В этом случае необходимо иметь экспортные файлы для каждой сцены.

К сообщению я прикрепил простой пример перехода из одной сцены в другую по клику на объекте и обратно.
04 марта 2015 17:55
We were able to get this error only by changing access rights for b4w_bin_Windows_64.pyd file.
It can be found under: blend4web/blender_scripts/addons/blend4web.

To change the permissions right-click on the file and choose Properties->Security->Edit. Select your user and make sure you have Read&execute permission. It should look like this:

It would be nice if you show your permission windows screenshots for this file. We could understand what is the root of the problem this way.
20 февраля 2015 15:13

We have a special Python script in the free SDK for this. It can be found under blend4web/scripts/reexporter.py.
This script will try to open all .blend files under blend4web/blender directory and export them to blend4web/deploy dir.

Feel free to setup this directories as you need.
16 февраля 2015 12:59
Evgeny, yours is a great job! As users of Blend4Web, we all thank you!
Made the corrections and edited the tutorial. The hint is to use the EYE camera type with the Use Vertical Rotation Clamping flag being on.