
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Евгений Родыгин
04 февраля 2015 13:35
I have investigated your project. You are right - there is a problem with such a setup. In the "Collision" object there is a Special Collision flag (which is for mesh collisions) selected in it's material. At the same time we are enabling Detect Collisions in Objects physics (which is for a box collision in our case). We need to choose only one of them. This is described in our physics documentation.

And when we turn on both there is bug appeared to be here. Your setup should work properly anyway (box collision should overwrite mesh collision). We'll fix this in the next release.

And now for fixing this issue you can left only one flag selected.

Thanks for report!
04 февраля 2015 11:48

Yes, we are going to make a short firstperson tutorial as it is one of the most requested.
For now you can check a topic with a similar question.
04 февраля 2015 11:21

Generally this is being done with a background image placed inside a canvas html-element. Something like this:
<canvas id="canvas-elem" background-image="fallback_image.jpg">

If you use our app.js addon, then your canvas is created dynamically inside canvas_container, and you can just put an image-element under canvas container and remove canvas element in initialization callback:
function init_cb(canvas_elem, success) {
    if (!success) {
        var container = document.getElementById("your_canvas_container ");
        return null;

If you use Web Player then you can follow the recommendations from our documentation.
03 февраля 2015 12:21
Ответ на сообщение пользователя osi3d
You can get this error also when you export the blend file to html for a second time and the previously created html is left selected in the file explorer.
I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. What OS (and version) do you use?
02 февраля 2015 19:35

Blend4Web tries to look as close to Blender as possible but there is some stuff to do yet. And there are several features that couldn't be implemented in realtime 3D in any case.

Some load and view, others just lock up or look weird (not what I see in Blender).
Such a behavior often tells us that there is something wrong with a scene. Probably unsupported constraints, material nodes or some other stuff. Usually console (press F12 in browser) can tell what is the problem. Also our default camera tries to align its vertical axis with Blenders Z axis which can change a view you have in Blender.
Main thing one need to keep in mind when working with Blend4Web is that it designed to work only with Blender Internal materials and scene setups. Cycles is not supported and will not be supported (or it will be absolutely another engine).

Windows Internet Explorer
As we've mentioned in our documentation IE still has experimental WebGL support and can have many issues.

If you use Blender Internal and your html seems to crash, probably you've found a bug. Then a sample scene will definitely help.
02 февраля 2015 11:31
I appreciate the help ! Thank you. Unfortunately no special warning in the javascript console of Firefox.

I just sent you a zip file to your mailbox and some instructions.
The problem is that your character capsule is inside the collision mesh. You need to raise it above the ground and everything will work fine.
Why this issue is being reproduced only when special-collision is on? I think it's because physics fps dropped a bit and the character moved underground a bit more so that he became totally stucked in collision mesh.

Btw. I wouldn't recommend using such a high polygon density models for collisions because of performance issues. In our demos we often have nice models for rendering and low-polys for static physics.
30 января 2015 17:41

Thanks for the report. Really the high speed values give this strange effect due to the calculations being performed for character vertical speed. We'll correct this in the next release.
30 января 2015 10:53
Thanks for suggestions. We discussed it all and decided to make some changes to the interface. Probably without a color indication but with a more expected behavior.
30 января 2015 10:18
However another problem has emerged since then. If I set "Special: Collision" on an object material of the scene, I cannot move my character anymore, pretty strange.
Is there some output in console? What you have described should work properly.
You can send an example to evgeny-ar@blend4web.com and I'll tell what is the root of the problem.
29 января 2015 10:55
My issue is that I need a "click" event to equal onmousedown followed by onmouseup
As I can tell the only way to solve this task is to check how much time has passed since mousedown event. If this value is less than some delta and mouseup is being called it means you can perform needed actions.
To receive time value you need to call main.global_timeline() function.