
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Евгений Родыгин
28 января 2015 10:45
Nice idea. And this functionality is already built in Blender (Animation modifiers).
We have plans on supporting this. But I can't say how soon will it be.
27 января 2015 18:18
Ответ на сообщение пользователя VoidVolker
Камера стандартная, ничего нигде не менялось. Хорошо, попробую. Хмхмх, а где переключить-то?
Как это описано в документации по камере - в разделе Blend4Web изменяете Move style на нужный вам тип.
27 января 2015 11:23

Вообще, если Z становится Y-ком, это не должно никак сказываться на работе с объектами. Я могу предположить, что в вашем случае несоответствия между Blender и Blend4Web обуславливаются тем, что вы использовали Target-камеру, которая жестко выравнивает свою вертикаль по Y-оси. Можно это проверить, изменив тип камеры например на Eye или Static. Но для точного диагноза, конечно, нужно видеть blend-файл.
27 января 2015 10:37

It's a good advice. We are thinking of making a series of short tutorials on some basic questions. They will cover most common questions including your 2-nd paragraph.

Should I use Blender Render engine?
In future we'll add our own render engine option so that it won't be any ambiguities at this point. For now - yes, you should use Blender Render

Why my exported materials sometimes are pink?
You can take a look at the console in Browser. (F12) It will give some info. Also a good option is to select "Strict" mode flag while exporting your scene.
23 января 2015 11:09
I've checked your files. It really may seem like a bug but it's not

When alpha is turned on our result image starts mixing with the underlying html-elements in the areas where it (WebGL image) is not fully opaque. So, as the background color is transparent, you are getting the color of <body> which is white by default (almost like your glow color).

The easiest solution is to set background color alpha component to 1.0.
    background_color: [0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0],
22 января 2015 14:19
fyi, enabling Alpha disables the background color in firefox, replacing it with the glow color
I wasn't able to reproduce this issue in Firefox 35 on Windows. Probably you've reloaded your app from the cache?
22 января 2015 12:54
1) Currently the camera moves only when you click. How to make the camera always responding ?
It happens because your document element doesn't have a focus on it. If your app is inside the i-frame you can try adding the next line to the load callback:
If you have a full-screen application there is nothing can be done here. When a document element doesn't have a focus it won't process any user events.
Is it possible to change the default ASDW keys, here in France we have AZERTY keyboards for instance
Yes. app.js addon is responsible for camera controls. Feel free to change enable_camera_controls function. Lines like
var key_w = m_ctl.create_keyboard_sensor(m_ctl.KEY_W)
in particular.
BTW, would it be possible to read key number instead of actual symbol ?
No. Browsers doesn't have such a low-level API as far as I know.
BTW, I notice that when in Eye mode the camera is bound automatically to the character, which seems fine to me. However the character doesn't respond to gravity anymore and therefore can elevate in the air like a ghost which is highly unexpected.
This is what app.js controls really do . Enable flying mode. And when there is a character you can fly around the scene and collide with objects that have physics.
If you want real FPS controls you need to rewrite app.js a bit. Take a look at Game example tutorials
22 января 2015 10:46

The main concept when programming logic for B4W is not a sensor but a sensor manifold. As you can see from documentation there is a special type of manifolds: CT_CONTINUOUS. It is pretty useful when combined with the elapsed sensor.

Examples can be found in the game tutorials:
Part 1 - here the character turn is based on CT_CONTINUOS sensor manifold.
Part 5 - Falling rocks are based on this type of manifolds.
21 января 2015 10:31
This feature appeared to be more easy to realize. Thus it will appear in Blend4Web 15.01 next week.
20 января 2015 10:24

Static collisions are really a subject to debate and recently we have made a decision to move to a Blender-like system when you don't need to copy original mesh and define special-collision material. So you can expect such a behavior in February with Blend4Web 15.02 release.
I have another B4W project made with Blender 2.70 and version 14.05 of the SDK and I had not the need to set "Special: Collision" for the ground material, the objects were yet able to rebound on it
Probably there was some kind of bug or a hidden material as we haven't been changing this behavior from the first release.