
由用户创建的信息 nils.austa
08 August 2016 12:11
I need to clean up a file that has double planes massively.
What is a good way to do that?
20 July 2016 18:36
Such add-on as "Import Images As Planes" does not work, when render engine is Blend4Web.
Some options are missing from the import menu and after clicking "import", nothing appears.
06 July 2016 00:44
Flat Earth 3D Model

Edit: I updated the specularity so the dry land does not have specularity.
20 June 2016 14:44
Yeah, it would make many visualisations a lot easier to make.
11 May 2016 09:16
What about embedding blend4web content on other websites?
For example facebook app that is created as shown in this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2c7Wl46VR0

Does facebook have to obtain blend4web pro license?
10 May 2016 16:13

GitHub is overkill for me. I plan to use many single-html format items in e-books.
What if I use a button named "source" in 3D scene that is linked to source .blend file?
05 May 2016 11:41

Is there any possibility to do the same with single html output?
Is it possible to keep JS file inside Blender's Text Editor?
05 May 2016 10:05
05 May 2016 10:01
I read from the manual that "By using multiple entry points you can create multi-threaded applications."
I wonder how it should work.
Here is what I try to do:
"Start" button makes pendulum work
"x2" button should increase speed by 2


04 May 2016 06:48

Another question.
How to make number input field?
I would like that the user can input a number and then the number is used in Blend4Web logic nodes and it affects animation.