
由用户创建的信息 nils.austa
08 January 2015 17:08
06 January 2015 10:13
But what about animation of visibility? In my case I could make an illusion of movement by switching objects on/off.
In one project, I used location animation and moved it far far away to make it dissapear but is there another way?
05 January 2015 16:08
How to do path animation in blend4web?
I know how to do this when I render for video but no idea how to achieve the same with blend4web.

Here is example what I mean:
01 December 2014 18:14
Today I found another workaround. I joined the mesh with another mesh object that was never animated and then the unneeded track disappears.
29 November 2014 22:48
Here is an example file https://sisu.ut.ee/sites/default/files/blender/files/noaction.blend
There are 3 mesh objects and zero actions. If you open that file, you will see, that NLA-Editor window shows them.

It just might become messy when I have a complex project and can not delete those tracks.
29 November 2014 16:02
I have some some tracks in NLA editor that are not animated anymore. As soon as I add an action to object that was not animated before, a track appears in NLA editor. When I delete an action, the tracks remain in NLA Editor view. How to delete them?
28 November 2014 07:52
Now the blend4web is perfect for me :)
Maybe panning should move slower. Just maybe.
26 November 2014 10:18
Maybe even a prerendered mp4-video instead 3D content when 3D is not supported.
There are quite a lot of low-end smartphones and tablets that can't play 3D in browser but can play html5 video.
21 November 2014 10:24
I tried to play with mirror/reflections.

Currently the reflections are not very logic/normal.
What should I do to get them better?

Model Web Page
Source .blend
19 November 2014 16:41