
由用户创建的信息 nils.austa
03 May 2016 08:28
Is there a way to control animation playback speed with nodes or with javascript?
08 April 2016 15:06
I modified the source webplayer.min.js
Replace that file in your Blend4web 16.03 install folder and you will get nontransparent hidden anchors when you export from blender.

08 April 2016 10:42
As far as I can understand, useing Custom Element is not possible with single html output. Am I right?

Anyway 100% unvisibility is possible by modifying source code.
There is "opacity=.1" which must be changed to "opacity=.0" or "opacity=0"




01 April 2016 09:35
About 16.03: I noticed that the "Title" field (b4w_object_tags.title) of an annotation allows longer data now.
So it allows base64 image in title instead of text.


30 March 2016 19:03
Links inside Annotations works again :). Is it this time officially supported feature? No word about it in New Features.
30 March 2016 16:05
Image worked fine, embed and linked.

Script(Google Tracking) did not work.
28 March 2016 21:02
There is a feature to use text file inside Blender instead Description field:
Here's example:


One more thing. I needed bold text but Chrome did not render it as bold, other browsers did.
Turned out that Chrome renders bold text only when there is an actual bold font available. Other browsers made "artificial" bold from regular font. I spent a lot of time to figure it out.

This linking stuff works with Blend4web 15.09 and is disabled in newer versions. As promised by developers, it will be back in next new version.
16 March 2016 17:33
Thanks! Cool!
16 March 2016 09:55
I checked out source files of this demo: https://www.blend4web.com/en/demo/planetarium/
The Sun does not rotate with whole scene. It's location is somehow locked to the camera.
The question is, how is it made?
I need the same behaviour.
11 March 2016 10:41
Convenience right.
One more thing about annotation. People want opened annotations to be on top always.
Or at least closed annotation should not cover opened annotation even if it is actually hereinbefore in 3D space.
Is it doable?