Very basic animation
13 December 2015 06:19
First time user here.
I have a very very simple blender model with a simple animation: A spinning DNA and some text fading in (plus a snake).
When I export my model to the SDK server several things happen:
The objects are not on their place.
The animation is completely ignored.
I am totally convinced that I am doing a very basic mistake, but I am totally lost as to what I am doing wrong. Any ideas? Are blender animations available in blend4web? why could objects not have a correct placement?
First time user here.
I have a very very simple blender model with a simple animation: A spinning DNA and some text fading in (plus a snake).
When I export my model to the SDK server several things happen:
The objects are not on their place.
The animation is completely ignored.
I am totally convinced that I am doing a very basic mistake, but I am totally lost as to what I am doing wrong. Any ideas? Are blender animations available in blend4web? why could objects not have a correct placement?
14 December 2015 10:54
Hello and welcome to our forum! :)
I think you didn't turn animation ON and objects' scaling may be wrong. To turn animation ON, select your object and press Apply Default Animation in Animation panel under the Object tab.
And to fix scaling select all your meshes and press CTRL+a -> Scaling.
If it still won't work, send please your file, we'll take a look
I think you didn't turn animation ON and objects' scaling may be wrong. To turn animation ON, select your object and press Apply Default Animation in Animation panel under the Object tab.
And to fix scaling select all your meshes and press CTRL+a -> Scaling.
If it still won't work, send please your file, we'll take a look

10 September 2016 20:31
Reply to post of user Pavel Kotov
Hello and welcome to our forum! :)
I think you didn't turn animation ON and objects' scaling may be wrong. To turn animation ON, select your object and press Apply Default Animation in Animation panel under the Object tab. […]
Dear Pavel, where to exactly find this option "Apply Default Animation" in Blender 2.77 please? I'm still having problems understanding how a functioning animation in Blender can be exported for the web using blend4web (shame on me)?
12 September 2016 11:02
12 September 2016 11:36
Reply to post of user Pavel Kotov
Here it is! Under object tab, Animation toolbar.
Make sure you choose Blend4Web Engine first.
Dear Pavel,
Thank you very much for this clear and illustrated example. Could you tell me where to "choose" the Blend4Web Engine first please? I guess, the lack of having that Engine chosen results in the animation toolbar not being visible/existent under the object tab currently.
Many thanks!
12 September 2016 11:47
15 February 2017 09:37