Lens Flare
15 June 2016 10:36
The Island Goes Open Source
Here is another gift for New Year's: the source files of our first demo app called The Island are now included in the free Blend4Web SDK! You'll find the materials for the terrain, sea and waterfall, learn how smoke and splash particles are set up, what is behind the lens flare effect, how animation works and how the trees and other objects are arranged.
From the release notes of B4W 14.12. So i guess you should have a look to the island files for a start.
Here is another gift for New Year's: the source files of our first demo app called The Island are now included in the free Blend4Web SDK! You'll find the materials for the terrain, sea and waterfall, learn how smoke and splash particles are set up, what is behind the lens flare effect, how animation works and how the trees and other objects are arranged.
From the release notes of B4W 14.12. So i guess you should have a look to the island files for a start.
15 June 2016 13:19
Merci LukeVideo,
J'ai ouvert le fichier "island" et j'ai trouvé l'objet qui représente les "Lens flare" (je l'ai trouvé sous le sol de l'île). Mais pourtant je n'arrive vraiment pas à savoir comment il fonctionne. Après avoir généré un fichier HTML j'ai remarqué que les Lens flare ce sont parentés à la caméra.
Et le problème ce que je ne vois aucun paramètre qui justifie cela.
J'ai ouvert le fichier "island.json" et impossible de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce dernier.
PS : je ne parle pas couramment l'anglais, je m'en excuse.
15 June 2016 16:17
De rien.
J'ai l'impression que ton lensflasre est en fait un objet avec une texture quasiment invisible et en plus transparente mais dont on voit les reflexions.
En fait c'est un object qui fait un effet de parralax avec une texture transparente. Mais je ne vois pas comment elle se déplace de sous l'île au ciel
So i am under the impression that the lens flare object has a transparent texture that is hardly visible but that cast reflexion. So what we see isn't the texture of the object but really the reflexion of it.
Is that right?
In fact we see through the lens flare object. But i don't understand how it goes from under the island to way high in the sky????
And now i start the french support !
En fait c'est un object qui fait un effet de parralax avec une texture transparente. Mais je ne vois pas comment elle se déplace de sous l'île au ciel
Is that right?
In fact we see through the lens flare object. But i don't understand how it goes from under the island to way high in the sky????
And now i start the french support !

15 June 2016 18:28
In fact we see through the lens flare object. But i don't understand how it goes from under the island to way high in the sky????The lens flare effect is a very old and "hacky" feature inherited from the first WebGL experiments made long before Blend4Web was first released.

And now i start the french support !That's great! Thank you so much!

15 June 2016 19:09
17 June 2016 11:53
17 June 2016 15:32