Reversing vertex animation
18 July 2017 09:09
18 July 2017 19:49
Blender has the option but it appears that the Blend4Web engine does not support it. In the NLA editor, you can hit the N key to open the side panel. There is a checkbox there that reverses the NLA when played in Blender. However when exported, it plays forward.

19 July 2017 19:47
20 July 2017 14:48
20 July 2017 15:47
20 July 2017 16:27
Reply to post of user JuaniYes, I think I can do it, but baked vetex animation weighs a lot and I need animation in both directions. My app is already big and I'm trying to save every kB.
Hi, could not you do it by duplicating all the key frames and scaling them to (-1) before making the bake?