
User posts Juani
11 December 2017 14:05
I have done the tutorial and it works correctly, it could be that for some reason in that project something internal Blender or B4W has failed, you could try to make a new project. I attached the file .blend mine.
11 December 2017 13:04
I do not know why it does not work !!, just tell you that the version of B4W 17.10.01 is only compatible with version 2.79 of Blender. I personally had problems with this.
10 December 2017 21:49
Yes, the Transform Object node is moving the object "Empty (BONE HEAR)", as it is not visible you do not appreciate it, Suzanne is a daughter of the bone but the bone is not the son of the "Empty", therefore Suzanne does not move. You can do it in several ways, in the Transform Object node you put Suzanne and Suzanne will move, if you put the bone "Armature", the bone will move and also Suzanne because it is his daughter, if you connect the bone to the "Empty (BONE HEAR) "everything will move.
10 December 2017 17:47
Hello, I think you need the last step of the tutorial, save the Blender file and re-export scene. When you run the .html we can see in the debug console that the jscallback node does not exist.
10 December 2017 14:14
Hello, what you have done is fine, you only need to pair the bone with the empty.
27 November 2017 17:54
In Google Chrome you can see the file exported to html very well ..
26 November 2017 12:10

I propose a simpler solution, it is about making the anchors children of an empty parent, with the Define Function node we will hide the parent and the children whenever there is a click and we will only see the selected anchors at that moment.
I attach an example.
13 November 2017 19:59
Hello, the example is in the previous post as an attachment. It is a .blend file, the logical nodes are in view.
12 November 2017 23:14
I'm sorry but it's very difficult for me to explain that to you, I think you should see tutorials to learn how to do it, how to use the b4w nodes and at the same time work with Blender. What you want to do requires several actions in Blender and in b4w. If you speak English there are several tutorials from ianscott888 for Blender and for B4W on youtube.
12 November 2017 19:25
I do not understand you well, what you want is to associate the color to specific dimensions?