
User posts Will Welker
06 August 2017 01:20
Using your code, I was able to change the forward movement mapping to the U key.
Is your console outputting any errors?
Have you added these modules?
var m_ctl       = require("controls");
var m_input     = require("input");
05 August 2017 04:53
I should probably add the API method for using a Logic Node callback.
In the example below, "cb_ID" is what you would enter in your logic node.
var m_log_nodes = require("logic_nodes");
var cb = function() {'', '_blank');

m_log_nodes.append_custom_callback("cb_ID", cb);
05 August 2017 03:57
The JavaScript Callback Node can call a custom function.

I haven't tried this but this would be my first guess.
function new_page(){'', '_blank');
05 August 2017 03:50
In video compositing, this feature is used to give the illusion that the shadow is cast upon the background video or image. In real-time rendering, you actually have the object that should be receiving the shadow already rendered in 3D. So why fake a shadow when you can do it for real?
03 August 2017 22:11
Have you looked at the First Person example in your SDK? It can be found at \blend4web_pro\apps_dev\tutorials\firstperson
Here is the JavaScript file for that project.
03 August 2017 00:32
Hi Hugodi,
You may want to study the Controls module
and the FPS module.
enable_fps_controls() is in the FPS module.
02 August 2017 16:28
Are you using a Curve Modifier in Blender?

To me, this does not look like a programming error. It looks like a Curve Modifier has been applied to an object in Blender that is unsupported by the Blend4Web engine.
01 August 2017 19:21
The easy way to do quats is to 'get' a quat from one object and 'apply' it to another. But to understand quats, maybe you can find some videos in your native language. I learned how to use them on YouTube.
01 August 2017 18:47
31 July 2017 01:05
After you have used the 'Build' function, you should be able to open the build version of your app.

Does your app work when you open the build version?
I if does, all your files are there.
Another thing you might try is create a new project, leave all options default. Build it, then deploy it and see if you get the same results.