
User posts Alexander Kovelenov
26 March 2015 19:01
Please note that this version works only with Blender 2.74
26 March 2015 12:43
Доступен для загрузки всем желающим, финальный релиз намечен на пятницу.

Замечания к релизам
26 March 2015 12:42
Available for download for all users. Release notes.
25 March 2015 09:29
In our workflow the method works pretty well, because we frequently use secondary scenes and link groups from that scenes. So no need to place objects somewhere behind the camera view. GLOW and Selectable always applied to MESH objects, because EMPTY has no geometry and thus no volume to apply effects to. This also should not be a problem, just use get_object_by_dupli_name(empty_name, object_inside_group_name) from the scenes module to get any object inside the duplicated group.
24 March 2015 21:49
As I see the missing part is applying both API transformation and animation to the same object. In our current implementation, animation is applied to an object as a whole (Loc+Rot+Scale) even if you insert keyframes partially. Still it's possible to achieve the same effect if object is duplicated by another EMPTY object. Just add your animated object inside a group, then duplicate this group by EMPTY, then set "Relative Group Coords" option on the EMPTY, and finally, apply any transformation you want to this EMPTY.
This sounds somewhat difficult, so in the future we plan to simplify this allowing application of animations/transforms to parented objects.
23 March 2015 19:27
Blend4Web 15.03 Developer Preview is now available for download to registered developers. Testing is heavily encouraged.
23 March 2015 19:26
Вышел предварительный релиз Blend4Web 15.03. Дистрибутивы доступны для скачивания зарегистрированным разработчикам.
21 March 2015 12:57
Ответ на сообщение пользователя trepaning
I am updated at home, I am at work now so trying to sneak in some b4w, so don't have time to study and learn, was just looking for an "add this line to your code" answer. I'll study later if time permits.
OK I see. Actually I thought updating is a pretty straightforward and fast procedure, just download and unpack SDK and that's it! About texturing issue. It's actually about lighting, because the second scene has different lamp config. Thus, the shelving is just too dark to see something on it.
20 March 2015 22:58
We have a bunch of good examples: and Check how the skinned animated fan is loaded into the main static scene.

Also I'd recommend to update Blend4Web to the latest version, maybe it'll fix this texture issue.
20 March 2015 21:35

It's seems you're using NLA in your demo. NLA only works on the first loaded scene (you may try to change the order in which your scenes being loaded, looks like a hack, but it's not ) That's why I would not recommend to use NLA in your application, this technique is very simple and does not cover all cases you may require in the future.