
User posts Pavel Kotov
08 September 2015 14:23
I'll add that: the problem here lays in light physics. Everything we see is the reflected light. When light travels through transparent objects, it loses some photons - some are scattered, some are "absorbed" by material, etc. So when light goes through three transparent materials, it loses photons three times and there's no way it can be brighter: they are subtracting each other. It's like you're mixing inks of different colors - the result will always be dimmer.

And if three light sources are lighting on the same area, this area reflects the light from all those sources, every source's light is being added to another's, so in this case we can get a white light as a sum of RGB lights
28 August 2015 16:02
As an artist I'd actually recommend you to dig into coding if you need to do some complicated stuff
There are lots of things that can be done without coding, though. Everything depends on your goal :)
28 August 2015 15:58
You mean like this?

Watch from 4:50 :)
17 August 2015 11:49
Интересная проблема

Суть в том, что на проблемной кости пробиты ключи перемещения. Блендер их не учитывает - т.к. кость присоединена к родителю и не может перемещаться. Однако в нашем движке это не учитывается (не сталкивались c такой ситуацией) - и поэтому мы видим перемещение кости И посредством родительской связи, И последством ключей. Они накладываются друг на друга и получается то, что мы видим :)

В будущем мы поправим это, а пока нужно или удалить ключи перемещения и пробить их один раз в спокойном состоянии (как на другой руке), или запечь анимацию нашим запекателем

Думаю, ключи перемещения пробились из-за того, что вы пользуете автоматический кейсет LocRot. Кейсеты бывают удобными, но я бы все-таки советовал использовать их в более сложных случаях, т.к. они могут напробивать много мусорных и ошибочных ключей
29 July 2015 11:24
we're actually working on the solid materials library I think it will do the trick - the user can see the material in the web scene, take it from the blend and tweak it the in any way :)
24 July 2015 16:11
You're welcome!
I'm glad everything works fine now
24 July 2015 14:01
Yeah, the documentation is a bit outdated. In the new interface in 15.06 some things have been changed. So, for setting up the scene with the shadows you just need to do this:

Also try opening this shadows.html and tell me if you won't see shadows here, too

24 July 2015 11:47
Hello and welcome to the forum

Try the latest Blender(2.75a) with the latest B4W (15.07)!

And tell us please what type of device and browser are you using
20 July 2015 11:54
I'm confused a little - is it a final result already or you still gonna work with it? :)

Looking forward the next time

I'm glad I could help
20 July 2015 11:47
Hello and welcome!

Yeah, right now it is the best way, unfortunately
But we'll think about something like "align by X axis" or so

Well, there's another way - by adding a loopcut and copying its normals, so there's no need to switch between objects/meshes :)