Retro Car Contest: Results!
The Retro Cars Contest has come to an end. Dust has settled at the finishing line, and the participants are leaving their race cars. So who was the first?
Yes, the line “all entries were great, it’s hard to judge them” is repeated one way or another at every contest, but it is said differently each time. And this time it really was very hard to judge them, to the point when we would like to add several more medal places. I am being dead serious – it was HARD, REALLY hard, almost like in a racing track. We almost wish we could award all of the contesters. But sadly rules are rules, so let us proceed to name the winners!

So, the first place goes to Ilya Kalyagin from Chita (AngryArcticFox) and his work – this is his second victory in a row!
Not much can be said here. More than once our entire team was captivated by this entry. It is complete, dynamic, stylish, and stuffed with a whole set of details that make the scene interesting and engaging. Congratulations, this undoubtedly is the first place.

The second place in this hard-fought fight goes to Egor Egorov from Yaroslavl (Thefolgore94) and his entry, as this work has two variants, well-done interactivity and great visuals to boot!
And about the third place… not even photo finish was able to help us determine it, so this time we have two third places!

And the first one of them is going to Wojciech Klimas's work (veti) from the city of Gdynia in Poland! Great visuals and optimization make his work just a perfect Blend4Web model! And it is provided with an interesting color configurator as well.

The third place also goes to Andrey Zhitkov from Saint Petersburg (Andrey) and his work! It is quite an impressive achievement for a work completely done in four days :) We really liked demonstration mode and model presentation. And don’t forget really interesting interactivity!
And now we would like to introduce our guest jury. This time your works were evaluated by the community members and veteran Blend4Web users Andrey Larin and Kirill Petryaev!
Jury comments:
Kirill Petryaev:
I participated in contests like this before, and I would like to mention noticeable boost in the quality of the entries! Being a programmer, I was expecting a work that will give you a chance to drive a car, and there is one such work, which makes me really happy..
About works:
-veti: The visuals of the scene are very impressive, never before have I encountered a work with such degree of realism..
-ksniezek: I like dynamics, and dynamics are the main advantage of using WebGL. In this work I liked the overall approach, the animation of camera movement and environment, although visuals and logic still require some polish.
-AngryArcticFox: Seeing this scene, I don’t even want to think how much effort was put into it. I can almost feel perfection. Although the author has mentioned the problems during development, I can hardly see anything requiring additional polish.
Mikhail Bezzubikov:
-AngryArcticFox — Nice and bright, great work.
-veti — a great, exquisite work. I myself would like to see it at the second place, but it lacks in variety.
For everyone else, I would advise to aim for the level shown in these works. They might not have a lot of bells and whistles, but every part of them is done on the same high level. And bake Ambient Occlusion!
-Prok.V.R — a very interesting voice-over idea.
-Yayel59 — I wish your son the best of luck in the area of art, this is a good achievement for his age.
-Tamas Prepost — thank you for a chance to image my childhood :)
-gandalf3 — I really liked the weatherstains on the windows.
-MAZ-ZILLA — your work is unique, and it is unfortunate that the visuals and optimization are lacking.
And yours truly:
Yes, we would really like to add more medal places. Aside from the winner, I really liked other works as well:
-A work by Tanya Merkulova for its atmosphere and extremely detailed materials and environment (I would really like to see baked AO from the car on the asphalt!)
-A work by Prok.V.R. for its excellent presentation (sadly, dark and monotonous background affected the ratings).
-A work by Tamas Prepost for its interesting and masterfully done adventure game. We were really surprized by its outcome – even the headlight begun to flicker after the car was “bruised”! (unfortunately, the scene uses lots of dynamic reflections which causes major slowdowns on low-end systems; this is the reason of the relatively low tech rating)
-A work by gandalf3 for its very, very interesting materials! It is a great idea to use Blend4Web to imitate rainy weather. It has even inspired me to conduct some experiments myself! :) (Sadly, an utter lack of interactivity, reworking the scene after deadline and noticeable slowdowns on low-end devices also affected the ratings).
-A work by Funkstar for its excellent and stylish visuals, which unfortunately was almost non-operational on mobile devices because of the page layout :(
-And a work by Winter_Fox. The car is very interesting, and the idea is great. It is sad that the author didn’t have enough time. I like the doors best!
The other contestants have also tried their best! Here you can see the complete rating table.
And as usual, we would like to give a little present to all contesters! This time it will be a key-fob to which you can attach the keys to your own car (or regular keys, it doesn’t really matter). The design is not yet complete, we are still working on it. All of you who want to get a key-fob, please send a message to my email! We only need your addresses and full names!
And thus I proclaim the contest closed! We want to congratulate the winners and thank everyone who participated! See you at the next contest!