
Javascript changes don't update the fast preview

19 July 2016 17:50
Thank you, Konstantin:

I'm going to try again, maybe it was my error.
19 July 2016 18:23
Well, I tried again and the result is the same:

· In what I understand, it had the javascript contained in the apps_dev/my_app/scripts, which is a simple script to close a div, compiled and renamed to my_app.min.js. If then I open build:my_app.html it crashes at the end of the preloader. The other link in the project manager dev:my_app.html works ok.

· The other thing is the image in the preloader background disappears in the compiled version. It is defined in the css file as a background image of a div. It is stored in the deploy/assets/my_app folder. And like before it worked good in the dev:my_app.html link.

I think I'm going to try another approach and try to include the method to close the div inside the my_app.js file. Maybe I should try to create the eventListener in the javascript instead of passing it through the html link.

Thank you again for your help
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