
Error during export mesh with image textured (.png)

06 December 2014 15:58
I have tried to make a simple mesh export with an image texture and I can't figure out what is the meaning of the following error message :

NAME: Texture
ERROR: Wrong texture coordinates type.

(Blender 2.70 by the way )

Can You give me some advice how to handle that ?

Thanks in advance.

By the way, You (I mean the whole team) have done an amazing work. Thanks to You, this application is a huge step in changing boring newspapers or posters look like internet sites into something really modern.
06 December 2014 18:24
Hi and welcome!

The error you get means that texcoord type is unsupported. Possible export errors are listed in the manual. "The following coordinate types are supported for image textures: UV, Normal and Generated."

I guess you have Generated type for your texture which is the default value for new textures and was unsupported till version 14.10. Please either upgrade to the newest Blend4Web version (Blender 2.72 required) or correct the texture coord type.
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06 December 2014 19:59
I thought that might be a reason, after reinstalling my Blender version to 2.72 when that problem completely dissapeared.
Thank you for your response, and please don't loose your courage, you guys do a wonderfoul work.
06 December 2014 22:24
Thank you for your response, and please don't loose your courage, you guys do a wonderfoul work.
Thanks, we won't
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