

19 December 2014 14:49
I was wondering if it is possible within blend4web to have a user interface input text as well as maybe console.log the results of some operations without using prompt or confirm to get information from the user, or is blend4web made to use html and css to layer on top of blend4web canvas . Sorry if this is a retarded question
19 December 2014 15:21

I'm not sure if I've understood you correctly, but I think the answer is: "Yes, it is possible".
To clarify the issue. Do you want to have some graphical - made in Blender, possibly 3D - interface which you will use as an input for some user's info which can later be send to the server or processed in some other way?
19 December 2014 19:22
Thanks for the quick response, yes pretty much user text input field. I would need an area where the user can insert numbers.
22 December 2014 10:15
In the next few days we'll release Blend4Web 14.12. There will be a new demo scene which has the functionality pretty close to what you've described. It uses our new canvas texture as an input. So it is better to wait a bit and use this scene as a tutorial I think.
22 December 2014 12:10
alright boss you guys are awesome!! You should think about having a "buy us a beer" link for people to donate so it is easy to donate to you guys without buying 1,000 dollars worth of commercial license.
22 December 2014 14:32
You should think about having a "buy us a beer" link for people to donate so it is easy to donate to you guys without buying 1,000 dollars worth of commercial license
Though our site's admin prefers Cola, I'll tell him about this "feature request".
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