
loading Text object

21 March 2016 12:22
i realised that my scene was getting pretty heavy because of text objects. My models are like 150 polygones but the text object with the description is 50 000 or so… I was wondering if by any chance i could use the network node to pick the text in another file in my project. That way i hope to have only one text object with the right text loading in it on demand.
Not shure if this makes sense in the node tree maybe i better do that with JS?

EDIT : I had a look at documentation an IPA. It looks like there isn't much i can do with Text object.
06 May 2016 12:19
Hi, sorry for the late reply.

i realised that my scene was getting pretty heavy because of text objects
Are you talking about json/bin size or low FPS rate? In the second case this can be easily solved by using the Show/Hide nodes or via js code.

My models are like 150 polygones but the text object with the description is 50 000 or so… I was wondering if by any chance i could use the network node to pick the text in another file in my project. That way i hope to have only one text object with the right text loading in it on demand.
Not shure if this makes sense in the node tree maybe i better do that with JS?
Yes, JS would be the best way to do it. I think dynamic loading perfectly suits for the task. And it isn't available in Logic Nodes (except the latest JS Callback node, which is also about coding).

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