
User posts alpatel2008
07 June 2017 13:04
Sorry sir,
this one does not work when i top right object to move in center.
07 June 2017 12:48
Thank you Sir,

I already declare var FLOOR_PLANE_NORMAL = [0, 0, 1] in my code.
07 June 2017 11:45
Exactly sir, you understand my problem.

07 June 2017 10:41
First, Thanks u for early replay.

I follow this above example. but when i move 3d object it become bit and when i move far it small. but i want not change object pespective when i move it.
Whenever i move object at that time it behave like as 2d object.
if possible, please change code my attached file.

how can i do?

Thanks again.
07 June 2017 10:31
Hi Sir,
Please check my attached html with js code file.
My main concern is drag n drop objects. i work perfectly but when i select object (mouse down event) and move it that time also catch depth movement. but i want only 2d coordinate (x and y).

07 June 2017 08:15
I am having trouble in 3d object movement according to mouse movement x and y coordinate.
I writing code below :

function main_canvas_move(e)
if (_drag_mode == true && _selected_obj)
if (_enable_camera_controls)
_enable_camera_controls = false;

var x = m_mouse.get_coords_x(e);
var y = m_mouse.get_coords_y(e);

var cam = m_scenes.get_active_camera();

if (x >= 0 && y >= 0)
x -= _obj_delta_xy[0];
y -= _obj_delta_xy[1];

var pline = m_cam.calc_ray(cam, x, y, _pline_tmp);
var camera_ray = m_math.get_pline_directional_vec(pline, _vec3_tmp);
var cam_trans = m_trans.get_translation(cam, _vec3_tmp2);
m_math.set_pline_initial_point(_pline_tmp, cam_trans);
m_math.set_pline_directional_vec(_pline_tmp, camera_ray);
var point = m_math.line_plane_intersect(FLOOR_PLANE_NORMAL, 0, _pline_tmp, _vec3_tmp3);
if (point && camera_ray[2] < 0)
m_trans.set_translation_v(_selected_obj, point);

it working with depth the object but i don't move it depth.
i want only x and y coordinate move 3d object according to mouse.
Please help me if any idea.
