
User posts Alexander Romanov
28 February 2018 16:53
ES6-модули - это нотация, в которой подключаемый в html скрипт имеет тип "module", например:
<script type="module" src="simple_app.js"></script>

А js файлы используют ключевые слова import и export.

Сейчас в СДК все проекты используют ES6-модули, за исключением проекта simple_app, это приложение реализовано в двух вариантах (см. simple_app.html и simple_app-es5.html). Сравните их. Менеджер проектов генерирует проекты в старом стиле, без использования ES6.

"то работать должны обе версии на любом статическом сервере, необходимо только правильно его настроить."

Я вызвал меню на html-ке и выбрал Run название_хтмл и приложение открылось. В доке написано что сервер у вебстрорма запущен всегда. У меня он например висит на порту 63342.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 14:14
Well it seems you need one more hack to build the engine on mac :
Open a file called Makefile in the root directory and find the following lines:
# check version
ifneq ("$(VERSION)", "$(ADDON_VERSION)")
$(error VERSION and ADDON_VERSION are not equal each other: "$(VERSION)" != "$(ADDON_VERSION)")

And just remove them or comment with #:
# check version
#ifneq ("$(VERSION)", "$(ADDON_VERSION)")
#$(error VERSION and ADDON_VERSION are not equal each other: "$(VERSION)" != "$(ADDON_VERSION)")

And try make compile_b4w one more time.
By the way, you are doing pure developer things which the usual users are not doing. Maybe we need to make an official instruction to help the guys who are using hot-fixes
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 13:54
We can't publish here the textures from the pro sdk. The approach is described quite clear by Nikita. What difficulties have you encountered?
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 13:01
Александр Романов. а в через вебшторм можно запустить проект через локалхост?
(извиняюсь за выражения… :)

Если вы используете нотацию с ES6 модулями, то dev-версию пиложения запустить не получится, поскольку b4w сервер для dev-версий производит некоторые действия по сборке. Build-версия работать будет. Если вы не используете ES6 модули, то работать должны обе версии на любом статическом сервере, необходимо только правильно его настроить.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 12:41
This is a log from my mobile device:
WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: width or height out of range
T @ my_project_2018-02-24-echec.html:485
B @ my_project_2018-02-24-echec.html:1042
e.onload @ my_project_2018-02-24-echec.html:1076
6[.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0xc8dfd400]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.

Maybe your texture is too big for mobile devices or it is non power of 2. try to reduce its size and make its width and height power of 2.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 12:02
Hello! And welcome to our forum!

Nice knife!
This is a common issue of small parts rasterization. You can improve the readability a bit at great distances by turning on the ultra quality. But any way you will have such aliases and the best results you can obtain only using html text, e.g. using custom anchors (see sdk). In this case you have to create a project with a html and javascript code.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 10:54
check attached, voice enabled game demo using react and B4W ;)

Very interesting
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
28 February 2018 09:37
Yiu should change directory to the blend4web sdk folder. Use cd command.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
27 February 2018 17:48
I don't have any "make compil b4w" in my project manager
You already did this:
I have opened the Terminal and "make compile_b4w" and I have installed the program, but the problem still there
You should run it from the terminal and compare your log with my. If you have difficulties in comparing, just paste the logs here.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
27 February 2018 17:12
I've listed my logs here in order you'll compare it with your logs.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)