
User posts Alexander Romanov
01 October 2019 14:23

Could you show the Developer Console output?

Also show the output of the
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
27 August 2019 14:19

Не получается воспроизвести на наши машинах.

Проблема возникает только на chrome или также и в других браузерах? Safari, Firefox?
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
07 August 2019 17:43
There is no way to change UV, but you can mix multiple uvs by factor and controll them with set_nodemat_value
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
14 July 2019 21:15
Посмотрите прикрепленный пример. Там реализована простейшая процедурная анимация камеры при помощи animate.
Проверим, что с форумом.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
19 June 2019 19:57
Все возможности PRO-версии SDK будут доступны в Blend4Web Studio. Останется возможность работы с Blender 2.79.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
15 April 2019 19:29
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
12 March 2018 18:34
А вот этот ответ не помог?
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
12 March 2018 18:29
Не совсем понял вопрос, отвечу как понял.
Поскольку ширина и длина канваса, на котором будет отрисовываться сцена может изменяться, то в общем случае 100 задать такой же кадр (высоту и ширину) как в Blender нельзя. Но можно "зацепиться" за высоту или ширину. При этом картинка будет изменять свой масштаб в в зависимости от изменяемого параметра.
На всякий случай записал видео
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
12 March 2018 17:43
Just to clarify: what i would really like is to have a cylinder or sphere clicked in the scene that would launch a file browser…but any solution below could help, as long as it allows me to place it "in front of the scene" (the <input…in html was getting behind the scene(disappearing once the scene loads)…
You can use css and z-index to change your html-elements "depth"

Would it be nice if I could just use the logic nodes for that? Well I HAD THE IDEA TO USE PAGE REDIRECT file:///localHost…or
file:///c: It would do the trick if it was to work….

You should use JS. See this link.

what can I do if i want to add a button that will print(copy) the objects in the scene to a separate browser, or .pdf pre formatted form? in other words I would like to output/export the objects to an external formatted page…? obviously im working on acquiring B4W for that. Any suggestions?
You can use screenshoter
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
12 March 2018 17:22
Hello! And welcome to our forum!

F12 shows me the following error:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Try to use https in your iframe src attribute
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)