
User posts Konstantin Khomyakov
21 December 2017 11:02
Hello and welcome to the forum!

You should use path response.down during json parsing
Blend4Web Team - developer
13 December 2017 15:07
Is it possible to set different (zoom) limits e.g. in Javascript when a camera has reached his destination and looks at the target? The following code is the button action for the moment:

sorry for the delayed answer.
Zoom limits for target camera are called distance limits in b4w and there are dedicated api method and logic node properties to configure them
Blend4Web Team - developer
06 December 2017 16:19
Does Blend4Web PRO include the car project blend-files (Toyota Cars in 3D or Chevrolet 3D Car Configurator) ?
These project are made by our pro users and are not included into the sdk
Blend4Web Team - developer
04 December 2017 15:45
I have just started learning Blend4web. Is there a way to purchase car paint materials alone?
Currently there is no such purchase option but we are seriously reworking our licensing and pricing policies to make them more flexible. So we'll try to make it possible to get material library separately
Blend4Web Team - developer
04 December 2017 11:29
i'm using eye camera when i access the 3d through my browser with my computer, when i access it via mobile devices i wanted to change camera style to hover camera, is there any ways to do it ?

it can be implemented easily via JavaScript api, logic nodes do not support platform-dependent behaviour for now
Blend4Web Team - developer
04 December 2017 11:10
Does anyone know how many annotations its alright to add to a page maintaining good loading speed?
Hello and welcome to the forum!

It seems to me that annotations within reasonable limits shouldn't affect loading speed significantly. Though anchors with detect visibility flag enabled are rather performance heavy.
Approximately how much annotations do you need in your scene?
Blend4Web Team - developer
04 December 2017 11:00
Hello and welcome to the forum!

We've recently started a series of tutorials about creating B4W materials. Currently only the first chapter is available:
Further chapters will also contain info about car paint like materials, stay in tune

Our material library included into the free SDK contains some metallic materials but car paint materials examples are only in the PRO version of the SDK
Blend4Web Team - developer
24 November 2017 16:35
Thank you so much Konstantin Khomyakov, can you tell what I can do about it?? I need the transparency node to work. Is there another way???
If your material is not to complex the easiest way to solve your task is to use Blender Internal nodes with transparency and b4w transparency settings (example in attachments). You can also use internal material only for transparent parts of your mesh
Blend4Web Team - developer
23 November 2017 17:51

for now BSDF transparent acts exactly like b4w_refraction node which means that only opaque objects, which are behind your transparent material, are visible.
We plan to improve BSDF Transparent node behavior
Blend4Web Team - developer
22 November 2017 15:06
Неужели нет решения?)
Добрый день, пардон за запоздалый ответ!

как это ни курьезно, но на данный момент методов по получению информации об изображении текстуры в API движка нет
Поправим эту ситуевину к следующему релизу
Если методы нужны срочно, можете попробовать самостоятельно добавить их во внешний модуль textures (src/ext/textures.js). Навскидку должно выглядеть так:
exports.get_path = function(obj, text_name) {
   var tex = m_textures.get_texture_by_name(obj, text_name);
   if (!tex) {
       m_print.error("Couldn't find texture \"" + text_name + "\" in object \"" + + "\".");

  return tex.img_full_filepath; // полный путь до изображения
  // return tex.img_filepath; // относительный путь до изображения
  // return tex.img_name; //  имя изображения

После изменения исходных файлов движок и проекты необходимо будет пересобрать
Blend4Web Team - developer