
User posts Mikhail Luzyanin
06 September 2017 10:26
Might be a missing material:
Yes, it's our mistake. leap.blend - here's the correct blend file, just replace it your file in the SDK or attach the humanhead_skin material to it.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
04 September 2017 10:44
А сложно ли реализовать такие выноски как на видео по ссылке?
Да, можно. Такое поведение выносок реализовано в демке с вертолетом. Сами надписи это картинки сделанные билбордами, выноски можно сделать геометрией с эффетком Glow внутри материала. Сама демка с вертолетом доступна в платной версии SDK.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
01 September 2017 17:04
thanks a lot! should I delete this post in the meanwhile?
We tried to reproduse the issue but haven't found any difference between html and fast preview mode. Can you tell what engine and blender version do you use? We also mentioned that file with name 1.jpg was missing in blend file, maybe this image cause the issue. Can you also attach here an exported html file with inccorrect rendering?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
01 September 2017 14:28
thanks a lot! should I delete this post in the meanwhile?
Can you just delet attached files to your post. That's will be enougth. Thanx.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
01 September 2017 11:02
But could you tell me if you found a solution?
For now we stil working on it, I'll answer you till the end of this working day.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
01 September 2017 10:31
It is from blend4web pro, I have it at work! I didn't know if to give details, it is the first time I ask something on this forum.
If your company a pro user then it's better to ask this question in pro user forum section from a PRO user account or mail this question on our support mail. It's not good to share closed content on pubic forum section. If you want to ask question about the PRO content from your accaunt your company need to buy you an individual license and connect it to your accaunt. Thank you for understanding.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
31 August 2017 18:56
Оказалось все намного проще, чем я думал)
Да, логика нодовая достаточно подручная штука и мы продолжаем развивать её возможности. Вы можете найти множество примеров её использования в составе SDK движка: от простых примеров с пианино и часами, до полноценно написанной на ней игры, как напрмиер квест из игры Сказ о Пятигоре.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
31 August 2017 18:42
does this work?
Yes, thanks. We trying to find a problem.
found it online and modified it
Maybe you can remember the link? Because this material was get from Blend4Web PRO SDK and it's under commercial license, we need to know who share this material - it can be illegal.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
31 August 2017 14:48
Yes, sorry!
There's still no textures. Did you pack all textures into blend file using file=>External Data=>Automaticcly Pack into .blend file ? Just interesting: where did you get this shader and gem geometry?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
31 August 2017 14:18
I have seen the ramps exemple but is shows only a linear gradiant.
Could you help me to achieve that effect on the torus ?
Thank you very much :)
Here's an example for you.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.