User posts smokedawg
09 March 2018 03:52
Just a suggestion, why not release blend4web along side blenders release dates. Not only would it be convenient when managing multiple versions of blender / blend4web in day to day workflow, but it will also allow a better wireframe for the blend4web development for when to release a specific feature. For instance now that eevee is coming up for 2.8, blend4web can prepare its next release with specific features related to the eevee release, and a user would only have to download one of each. The user will also be able to keep track of updating blend4web every new blender release. I would prefer blend4web packaged as a disabled by default addon in blender, and when enabled allow to download the sdk for the current blender. I dunno, just a suggestion. To be honest I visit blend4web every 2-3 months now to see updates rather then once a week when you had frequent releases and the direction of blend4web seems to aim for more turntable products and configurators as a solution rather then focusing on implementing 3d to all aspects of the web which is one of the reasons I was very enthusiastic about blend4web. Multiple projects I have been proposed for work were not a possibility due to the nature of blend4web and its current limitations. Sorry for the long letter, thanks for being great guys keep up the good work and I hope my release cycle suggestion may be relevant to your situation developing.
27 October 2017 14:29
Im having a moment of confusion. While attempting to dynamically change a value / key of the json data I cannot figure out how to reference the variable which it is stored in. For example, if the data were like so
var mydata = {
"firstName": "John",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street"
I could simply mydata.address.streetAddress, however the json data loaded is as follows prior to be loaded without a variable.
"firstName": "John",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
Is it being stored within B4W as a variable during runtime, does the json data need to be parsed prior to modifying, and will that even be allowed once the json file is already loaded via webplayer. If it is not allowed, is there a possibility to store the json data as a variable prior to the webplayer loading it so it can be manipulated afterwards?
var mydata = {
"firstName": "John",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street"
I could simply mydata.address.streetAddress, however the json data loaded is as follows prior to be loaded without a variable.
"firstName": "John",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
Is it being stored within B4W as a variable during runtime, does the json data need to be parsed prior to modifying, and will that even be allowed once the json file is already loaded via webplayer. If it is not allowed, is there a possibility to store the json data as a variable prior to the webplayer loading it so it can be manipulated afterwards?
23 October 2017 10:14
Thanks again for the info, i am using php for the server side. I had previously suggested a b4w server side nodejs module to allow networking in the logic editor. As I recall they were looking into it already so it is very likely updating object properties for saving scene/game states will come along with that.
22 October 2017 03:45
Thanks I figured this far. I suppose I would have to set every location, every material every transform and rotation for every object individually and reload them all to save a scene state and reload it at will.. Maybe a function that builds an array of every object and its property to save into storage for loading afterwards is something they have already been looking into. Would be a vital feature especially for games and a massive stress relief then doing it manually. Thanks again.
20 October 2017 19:10
07 April 2017 21:17
06 April 2017 22:37
The new custom anchor is amazing, I think it can have two additions that will make a major difference in its possible use cases.
1. Use a ray between the camera and the anchor point to establish any obstacles/meshes that would render the anchored element invisible. Possible check box in properties for "Hidden behind meshes"
2. Use css3 3d transforms to match visual perspective and skewing based on the anchors object x or y axis and the cameras possition to simulate things like moving to the side of the html element. Possible applications would be such as simulating html content on a 3d wall. Possible check box in properties for "Lock vector space"
With these two additions i dont think html and webgl will need anything else to work perfectly together. Still grasping the last two features you guys added with multiple canvas and custom html annotations, ridiculous, you guys need to slow down or you will break the internet
1. Use a ray between the camera and the anchor point to establish any obstacles/meshes that would render the anchored element invisible. Possible check box in properties for "Hidden behind meshes"
2. Use css3 3d transforms to match visual perspective and skewing based on the anchors object x or y axis and the cameras possition to simulate things like moving to the side of the html element. Possible applications would be such as simulating html content on a 3d wall. Possible check box in properties for "Lock vector space"
With these two additions i dont think html and webgl will need anything else to work perfectly together. Still grasping the last two features you guys added with multiple canvas and custom html annotations, ridiculous, you guys need to slow down or you will break the internet

06 April 2017 19:51